How to Edit an Event Page

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Each Beamery Event comes with an associated Event Page to help you promote your event. This page can be customised to match your organization's employer brand, and to highlight the key selling points of your event. 

For an Overview of Events in Beamery, check out this article

Table of Contents

Opening the Event Page Editor Schedule + Image
Logo Block Video + Text Block
Hero Block Location Text Block
Event Description + Image Map Block
Speaker Text Block Call to Action Block
Speaker Split Block Site Notice + Privacy Statement


Opening the Event Page Editor

Once you have created a Beamery Event, you will have the option to customize a landing page for the event.

From the Event Overview page, you can edit or preview an event page by clicking on the vertical ellipsis button on the Event Page card.

Clicking on the Edit page option opens a separate tab with the page builder. Your event page will automatically be filled with example content, which you can then edit and customize to align with your brand and provide invitees with information about the event.

Each block within the page can be hidden, duplicated or moved up or down in the page order. Hide blocks that are not relevant to your event. Duplicate blocks to use different versions of the same block format. Move blocks to ensure the information on your page flows in the way you want it to.


Logo Block

The logo of the logo block will default to what has been saved by admins in your Beamery's company settings. This image can be changed, if desired, along with the style and text of the button.

Any call-to-action buttons within the page will automatically be linked to the event's registration page. 



Hero Block

Any image you selected when creating your event will automatically be added to the hero block of the page, along with name, date, time and location of the event. This image and the event information can be edited by clicking on the hero block, if needed.

If you did not choose an image for your event, then you will see a placeholder image, overlaid with the event information. If you did choose an event image, this sample hero image will appear as a hidden block, which can be unhidden and edited, if desired.


Event Description + Image

In this block, you can add text describing your event and an additional image representing your event. There is example text, but you can modify the purpose of this block to whatever makes the most sense for your event. Best Practice for this text block is 250-300 characters per 100px of image height. It is not recommended to upload an image over 800px tall.

Tip: when uploading an image, you'll be prompted to crop it to a 1:1 ratio (square). To override this, press skip.




Speaker Text Block

This text block can be used in any way you wish, to provide text information about the event, or to introduce blocks below. The example text has this block focused on an event's speakers.



Speaker Split Blocks

The following three blocks are split into image and text groupings for event speakers. If your event does not have speakers, these blocks can be hidden or the images and text can be used for a different purpose. For example, if you choose to show icons or images representing your organization's values.



Schedule + Image

The next block is a combination of a text and image block, just like the event description example block. In this case, the sample text is a hypothetical event agenda with an image on the left. You can use this block to feature your own event agenda or edit it to change its purpose.



Video + Text Block

Use this block type to feature a video related to your event. The example text indicates a video from a previous event, but you can choose any type of video, as long as it is hosted on Youtube, Vimeo, or Wistia



Location Text Block

This version of a text block automatically pulls in the location that was entered when creating the event. It can be edited for style and content. If you did not add an address when creating your event, this block will be hidden by default.



Map Block

The map block allows you to enter the address of your event and have it display via Google Maps. By default, this shows an example location, but you can click on the block to add your event's location or toggle whether to show the map with or without a border.

To add your event's location to the map block, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to Google Maps and search for your event's location.

2. Click the Share button, then choose the "Embed a map" option.


3. Copy and paste the code at the top of the window or click Copy HTML.


4. Return to the event page editor and paste the copied text into the Link box.

5. Remove <iframe src=" from the beginning of the copied text and all of the html formatting from the end of the copied text.                                                                            pages_map_2.png    map


Call-to-Action Block

The last block in the example template is a Call-to-Action, intended to encourage page visitors to register for your event by clicking the button within the block. This block can also be customized as needed.



Site Notice and Privacy Statement

If your admins have configured a site notice or privacy statement within the Beamery Company Settings, these will be displayed at the bottom of your event page.


Additional Resources

An Overview of Beamery Events
How to Create a Beamery Event
How to Edit a Beamery Page