Beamery In-Event Experience

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Once you’ve gotten your Event set up in Beamery, it’s time to make the most of the valuable interactions you’ll have with potential candidates. The new In-Event Experience allows you to check in an attendee, review the list of registrations and the list of attendees, and provide feedback on an Event attendee immediately after talking with them. You won’t even need to pull out your computer to look them up. This mobile-friendly solution gives you access to the Beamery profiles of any person who has registered for the Event. Let’s take a look at how it works in action. 


  • Have Smart Profile enabled in your Beamery environment
  • Have Events enabled in your Beamery environment (Events is an add-on feature)
  • This experience will only work for Events that have been created in Beamery after May 22nd, 2024.

Registering for Events

When registering for an in-person event, Beamery will automatically send a confirmation email to registrants that includes an .ics file to add the event to their calendar and a QR code that teams can scan to easily view contacts' Beamery profiles and mark them as attended during the event. 

If you want to avoid sending these automated registration confirmation emails, please make your event type 'Virtual & Physical'.

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Locating Live Events

Once the prerequisites have been met, Events that are happening live will show up on your Beamery dashboard.

Desktop Experience
Mobile Experience Recruiting CRM & Marketing Software  Beamery.jpeg


Clicking on Check-in attendee allows you to use your computer or phone's camera to scan an attendee's QR code. 

You may need to grant Beamery access to your camera.

Once you have scanned the QR code, you can choose to check that attendee in or view their Beamery profile. 

Once you have checked in an attendee, their name will appear in the Checked in tab. Clicking on their name will again give you the option to view their full profile as well as a quick view of their email address at the time they were checked in. 

Attendees will have needed to register via the Event flow AND the Event will have needed to be created after January 17, 2024. 

Clicking on Look-up attendee will bring you to the fill list of Registered attendees.

Use this option to check in an attendee if they cannot find their QR code or if you would like to review the profiles of all registered attendees.