How to Edit Event Flows

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Event Flows allow guests to register or check in for a Beamery Event. Every Event has a Registration Flow and a Check-in Flow. By default, both of these Flows collect guest's names and contact information. You can customize Events Flows to collect additional data from your registrants and attendees.

This article walks through how to customize Events Flows.

Table of Contents

Edit the Registration Flow
Customizing the Form on a Convert Flow
Profile Fields
Customizing Fields
Customizing Blocks
Creating a Thank You Page
Previewing Flows
Flow Settings
Editing a Check-in Flow

Edit the Registration Flow

Whenever you create an event, a basic event registration page is automatically created and published. This page only requires guests to submit their first name, last name and email address in order to register. However, you can customize the registration form to collect additional information you may want from guests for your event. 

To edit the Registration Flow for an Event, click on the three dots button within the "Registration flow" card on the Event Overview page and select “Edit flow”. More on creating Convert Flows here.

Under the Settings tab in the Flow Editor you can edit the Flow name and customize the registration page URL. Note that this URL will be visible to guests, so choose a URL you are comfortable with having public-facing.

Use the options on the right to customize the appearance of the registration page. A preview of the page is available in the Preview tab. There you can also preview what it will look like on a tablet or mobile device by clicking on the icons at the top. 


Customizing the Form on a Convert Flow

Profile Fields

Note that full name and email address are already required for all registration and check-in forms. You can add additional standard data fields by clicking and dragging them onto your Flow. These include:

  • Degree & University
  • Job Title & Company
  • Phone Number
  • Website
  • Current Location
  • Preferred Location(s)
  • and more

For each of these fields, you can choose whether they are required or optional. Below the Profile fields, you also have access to all your organization's custom fields. Choose any of these fields and drag and drop them into place on your Flow. 


Customizing Fields

When a field in the form builder is selected, a customization window appears. Use these customization tools to mark a field as required, change the way a question is asked or the language it is written in, or manage response choices for single select and multi select fields. 


Short Text and Date Field Customization


a. Back to Fields - return to the fields menu.

b. Delete Field - delete the current field from the form. 

c. Customize Question - change the way the question is presented to the candidate. This could be as simple as changing 'Company' to 'Current Company' or building an entire form in your candidate's language. 

d. Mark as Required - require a candidate to answer a question before submitting the form.


Single Select and Multi Select Field Customization

a. Back to Fields - return to the fields menu.

b. Delete Field - delete the current field from the form. 

c. Customize Question - change the way the question is presented to the candidate. This could be as simple as changing 'Company' to 'Current Company' or building an entire form in your candidate's language. 

d. Select Options - Choose which responses a candidate can choose from. Use this for instances where not all response options apply to the use of the field.

e. Customize Answers - Like with the question customization, use this feature to change how answers are shown to candidates. Without needing to create a new response option for the custom field, simply customize the label shown to candidates. Use this for creating forms in a candidate's language.  

f. Mark as Required - require a candidate to answer a question before submitting the form.

Customizing Blocks


Text Blocks - Insert custom text. Use this block to add titles, subtitles, or form instructions. Add links and format your text to create an easy-to-read form. 

Image Blocks - Use this block to add images to your forms. File types accepted are png, jpeg, and gif. Max file size is 2MB. 

Company Logo - Use this feature to add your company logo a second time on the form or add your company logo back if you've deleted it. 

Divider Blocks - Divider blocks are easy ways to visually break up form sections and improve form completion rates. 

Compliance Block - Add the appropriate compliance statement to your form. Choose from the dropdown list of compliance statements created by your admin.

Button - Use this block if you've deleted your submit button and need to add it back, or if you need to customize the button text. The color of the button is controlled in your company setting by your admin.

Please note: if your company color does not have a high enough contrast ratio, the color of your button will automatically be darkened to meet accessibility thresholds. The threshold for contrast is 4.5:1. Please use an online resource, often called 'Contrast Checkers', if you need to verify the contrast ratio of your company color. The background color of Convert Flows is #FFFFFF.


Creating a Thank You Page

After a candidate has submitted a Flow, they will be taken to your thank you page where they will see confirmation that their form has been submitted. This page can be created easily within the Flow Builder.

The image below will show the options you have available when creating a customized thank you page. 


Text Blocks - Insert custom text. Use this block to add an additional message to candidates. Add links and format your text to create a better candidate experience. 

Image Blocks - Use this block to add images to your forms. File types accepted are png, jpeg, and gif. Max file size is 2MB. 

Company Logo - Use this feature to add your company logo a second time on the thank you page or add your company logo back if you've deleted it. 

Divider Blocks - Divider blocks are easy ways to visually break up sections.

Button - Use this block f you've deleted your 'Go Back' button and need to add it back, or if you need to customize the button text. The color of the button is controlled in your company setting by your admin.

Please note: if your company color does not have a high enough contrast ratio, the color of your button will automatically be darkened to meet accessibility thresholds. The threshold for contrast is 4.5:1. Please use an online resource, often called 'Contrast Checkers', if you need to verify the contrast ratio of your company color. The background color of Convert Flows is #FFFFFF.

Previewing Flows

When you select the Preview tab you will be able to see and test the form as a candidate would. 

Use the dropdown at the top right of the page to change the preview from Desktop, to Tablet, and to Mobile views.

Flow Settings

The Settings tab can be used to make changes and customizations globally to your Flows. 

Name Settings - Change the internal name, external name, or the URL of your flow. You can also access options to delete, duplicate, or unpublish, a flow as well as copy the flow URL.

Custom Branding - If your organization has multiple brands, use this feature to change the logo on your form without changing the parent company logo in company settings. Activate Custom Branding by ticking the box. Then name the brand (to be used as alt text for your brand logo). And then upload your logo. Click Save to accept your changes.

Editing a Check-in Flow

If you are also using a Check-in flow for your event, you can edit it in exactly the same way as the registration flow.  From the Event Overview page, click on the three dots button on the Check-in flow card and click “Edit flow”.

There you can make customizations to the Check-in Page using the same components as on the Registration Page - such as additional standard fields, custom questions, and compliance sections. 

Keep in mind that Check-in Flows are intended for use during the event, so it is often helpful to limit the amount of time each guest must spend in order to get checked in. Choose your components wisely.


Additional Resources

How to Create a Beamery Event
How to Edit an Event Page