An Overview of Beamery Events

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The following is an overview of the Beamery Events module. There are also additional articles with more detail around Event creation, use and metrics, linked at the bottom of this article.

Note: Events is an add-on module that will only be visible if it is part of your Beamery package.

Table of Contents

Events on the Homepage
Events Dashboard
Event Overview
Event Page Card
Registration Flows
Check-In Flow
Event Custom Fields

Events on the Homepage

Quick access to your organization's live Events is available on your Homepage in the top right of your screen.

  1. Today's Events - a list of your organization's live and upcoming Events for the current day. 
  2. Event data - Event title, date and time, and location.
  3. Check-in attendee - Scan an attendee's QR code to check them in during the event. 
  4. Look-up attendee - view the list of people who have registered for the event and those who have already been checked in.

Events Dashboard

The Events dashboard is located within the Marketing module.

events dash.png

  1. Events Filters - locate specific events or groups of events by searching by event name and/or using filters.
  2. Events Metrics - metrics are displayed for whichever events are visible in the list below, changing in real-time based on which filters are selected.
  3. Events List - the list of events matching any applied search or filters.
  4. Create Event - use this button to create a new event.
  5. Export Event Data - use this button to export a list of your Event data.


These filters can help you narrow the list of visible events to a specific segment or to help you locate a specific event.

Event filters.png

  1. Search - type any number of characters to see events with matching names.

    When naming an Event, Beamery recommends using underscores (_) rather than hyphens (-) to ensure your events are properly indexed and searchable by title. 

  2. Type - filter by event type: Careers fair, Campus, Conference, Meetup, Network, or Other.
  3. Status - filter by event status: Upcoming, Happening now, or Past.
  4. Date - choose a date range to see all events with dates within that range.
  5. Location - type a location, address or landmark name to see a list of matching places and filter the list by events that have matching locations.
  6. Owner - filter by a list of your organization's users.
  7. Custom Fields - filter for specific responses to one of your Custom Event Fields. Using this filter will show all responses to your Event custom fields in the Events List table. There is no limit to the number of Custom Event Fields.


The metrics displayed will be a combination of the stats for all events currently displayed in the events list. Applying a search or filters will alter the metrics displayed based on the metrics of the matching events.


  1. Attendance Rate - the average attendance rate for all the events in the list displayed; the number of contacts in the Attended pool step divided by the number in the Registered pool step.
  2. Prospects - the total number of contacts in the Prospect pool step for all the events in the list displayed.
  3. Invited - the total number of contacts in the Invited pool step for all the events in the list displayed.
  4. Registered - the total number of contacts in the Registered pool step for all the events in the list displayed.
  5. Attended - the total number of contacts in the Attended pool step for all the events in the list displayed.

Event Overview

Click on the name of an existing event to navigate to the Event Overview page.


  1. Event summary - a summary of the event details, including name, status, type, timing and location.
  2. Edit Event - use this button to edit the event details.
  3. Event Page card - status and metrics related to the Page associated with the event.
  4. Registration Flows card - status and metrics related to event registration Flow.
  5. Event Check-in card - status and metrics related to event check-in activity.

Event Page Card

Every event automatically has a page created that can be customized and used to provide information to invitees and registrants.


  1. Page status - an event page can either be published (live) or unpublished.
  2. Unique pageviews - the number of sessions in which the page was viewed at least once.
  3. Click rate - the percentage of page visitors who clicked on the page's primary call-to-action button.
  4. Options - click this button to preview a published page or open the page builder where you can edit the page and manage the page's publication status.

Registration Flows

The registration flow is how prospects can register for the event. 


  1. Status - once an event has been created, the registration flow is automatically published.
  2. Registered - the total number of people added to the Registered pool step for this event, either by completing the registration flow or being manually updated to that step.
  3. Submission rate - the percentage of page visitors who completed the registration flow.
  4. Options -click this button to preview a published Flow as it will appear to an invitee or open the Flow builder where you can edit the Flow and manage the Flow's publication status.

Event Check-in Flow

Depending on your Beamery package and configuration, you may also see the Check-in Flow card. This functionality enables you to register attendees while on-site during an event.


  1. Status - once an event has been created, the check-in flow is automatically published.
  2. Attended - the total number of contacts in the Attended pool step, either by completing the check-in flow or being manually updated to that step.
  3. Attendance rate - the percentage of contacts added to the Attended pool step relative to the number in the Registered pool step.
  4. Options - click this button to preview a published Flow as it will appear to an invitee or open the Flow builder where you can edit the Flow and manage the Flow's publication status.

Event Custom Fields

With Events Custom Fields, you can create an event taxonomy that works for you — whether that’s by topic, audience, target schools, speakers or more — and tag your events accordingly to make them easier to find and report on.

Event Custom Fields allow you to add extra information to an event, for better filtering, segmentation, reporting and cross-team collaboration. To learn more about using Events Custom Fields, click here


Additional Resources

How to Create a Beamery Event
How to Edit an Event Page
Managing Contacts for Events
Tracking Event Metrics