How to Keep Timeline Notes Private or Share Them With Selected Users

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Logging notes on the Beamery Profile Timeline allows you to maintain the Beamery Profile as the single source of truth for candidate information, as well collaborate with your team. When adding notes to a timeline, you can customize viewing permissions to make sure you share only the most relevant information with your team.

For more information on the Beamery Profile Timeline, check out this article.

Choosing Privacy Settings for New Timeline Notes

When adding a note to a candidate's profile, it will be set to public by default. You set it to private while writing it, or return to edit its privacy later.

To make a note on a candidate's profile, click on their name, then navigate to the Timeline tab of the profile. Then simply start typing the content of your note into the log activity bar.  As soon as you start typing you will see options appear. By default, the activity type will be a note, but you can update this using the Activity Type dropdown menu.

Similarly, you can create a note on a profile from the Beamery Extension. In that case, navigate to the Related tab of the Beamery Extension, then click on the 'Log Activity' button. Start typing to create your note. The note will be public by default.

Any colleagues who you tag in the note using an @mention, will receive a notification alerting them that they have been mentioned in a note. A notification will appear on the bell icon of their navigation panel.


To make a note private, check the box for private activity. A private note can only be viewed by yourself and anyone @mentioned in the note, whereas a public note can be viewed by any user who can view this Profile.

When entering a note on the Beamery Extension, there is a toggle option to decide whether the note remains public or is made private.



How to Edit Privacy Settings for Existing Timeline Notes

You can also always change privacy settings for any notes that you have already added to a candidate's profile.

To change the privacy settings of a note, navigate to the candidate's profile and click on the Timeline tab to open their activity feed. 

Locate the note you would like to update. It may be helpful to select Notes from the activities drop-down menu to view only notes on the candidate's activity feed, filtering out other activity types.

Once you locate the note you want to change, you can edit its privacy by clicking on the vertical ellipsis button in the upper right corner of the note. 

Then, check the Private Activity box to make the note private. 


When you have finished editing your note, click on the blue Save button.