How to Share a Candidate Profile for Review

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Sharing, reviewing and managing pre-application candidates is cumbersome as it often requires jumping between spreadsheets, emails and messaging apps. Beamery simplifies this process by managing that workflow within a single tool to keep track of candidates you’ve shared, who you’re waiting on feedback from and whether you can progress with candidates or not at a glance.

The Candidate Review functionality allows you to share your most promising candidates with your Hiring Manager with a quick and easy review process. 

Read on to learn more about how your Talent Acquisition (TA) teams can collaborate to quickly fill roles with high quality candidates.

Sharing a Single Candidate Profile for Review

Independent of a Vacancy

You may want to share candidates for different reasons. The simple share flow supports your nurture workflows when you want early alignment with your hiring partners on the quality of the candidates you’re proposing. As a team player, it’s also a great way to quickly share candidates you come across to your peers if it’s suitable for the roles they’re sourcing for.

Candidate Review - single no toggle.png

The recipient will then receive an email as shown below and Beamery will create a task for them.

Associated with a Vacancy

Once a vacancy has been confirmed, you can share your proactively sourced candidates early in the process to minimize the time to hire by reducing the dependency on direct applicants. Simply toggle on the Request for review button and select the appropriate Vacancy you wish to associate the candidate with. This association is only applied to the message shared with your colleagues, and does not change anything about the Vacancy or the Contact. 

Reviewing Shared Vacancies

As a review provider, users can easily review all the shared candidates that require feedback and provide that feedback within a simple workflow. Users can see all their Pending Reviews as well as all Completed Reviews in one place. They can easily click Open profile to review the full candidate profile for more context or click Provide feedback to provide their feedback on a candidate, which notifies the review requester automatically.

Candidate Review - shortlist page.png

Profiles Submitted for Review

There is also a view for review requesters to quickly see profiles that still need to reviewed as well as look back at completed reviews. They can also open the profile to perform any updates and changes to the profile in Beamery. 

Bulk Sharing Candidates for Review

Sharing multiple candidates for review is easy with a simple bulk action. Choose the candidates you would like to share by ticking the boxes next to their names and click the bulk action dropdown menu.

Then choose "Share for review".

You will see the same options available for sharing a single candidate but with options for each individual candidate chosen.

Click Share for review when you're ready. You will then have a link you can copy to go directly to the Shortlisted candidates review page.

Also, the reviewer you chose will receive an email with quick links to view each candidate you shared.

Receiving a Candidate Profile to Review

If you’ve just shared a candidate profile with your Hiring Manager, here’s what they will see. This view and workflow will be the same if you shared a profile with another user or if another user has shared a candidate profile with you for review.

The reviewer will receive an email with the information submitted above. 


When the reviewer clicks on ‘Review now’ they will be taken to a Beamery page where they will be able to see the list of candidates that have been shared with them for review. This is their Candidate Review page.


On the Candidate Review page, users can quickly and easily see an overview of all candidates you’ve been assigned to review. 

a. Pending Reviews - see the list of all candidates you have not yet reviewed. 

b. Completed Reviews - see the list of all candidates you have reviewed as well as the review outcomes.

c. Vacancy Information - see the Vacancy name and ATS ID.

d. Provide Feedback - the button which allows you to respond to the review request. This will open a pop-up for you to provide your feedback.

e. Candidate Information - information from the profile including name, current position, primary company and location as well as the link to their LinkedIn profile, if it was shared. 

f. Candidate Summary - the summary of the candidate’s profile and experience provided by the Beamery user who submitted the candidate profile for review. 

g. Resume Preview - this section showcases the preview of the candidate’s resume/CV. At this stage the compatible preview format is PDF. 

h. Attachments - a separate tab which allows you to view any attachments on the candidate profile in a new tab.

When you are ready to submit your review, click on the button called Provide feedback (d) and indicate whether or not you wish to proceed with the candidate.


You have the choice to provide an optional (but recommended) feedback on your decision to help guide the user who submitted the candidate profile when filling the role, which will allow them to calibrate their sourcing strategy to bring better suited candidates.


The candidate will now show in the Completed Reviews section of the page along with your feedback notes.
