An Overview of the People Grid

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The People Grid in Beamery is how you will view lists of contacts, either via the main People Grid in the CRM tab, or within a Pool or Vacancy. Whenever you see the People Grid, you can apply filters, open, view and update profiles, apply Bulk Actions, and more. 

Table of Contents

Getting to know the People Grid
A Closer Look at the People Grid Toolbar
A Closer Look at Column Headers on the People Grid

Getting to Know the People Grid

Navigate to the People Grid by clicking the icon in the left-hand navigation menu. From the People Grid, see the components diagrammed below.

a. People Grid Toolbar - Use the People Grid Toolbar to take any actions on the People Grid. For an in-depth look at everything that’s possible using the People Grid Toolbar, click here.

b. People Grid Column Headers - All of the information you see in the People Grid is organized into columns, under the column headers seen here. Click here for an in-depth look at the Column Header panel. 

c. Filter Panel - Use the filter panel to apply filters and/or add a Boolean search string in order to narrow down the list of candidates you see in the People Grid. For a guide to using the filter panel, check out this article.

d. People Grid Contact Record - Each row in the people grid represents one contact record in Beamery. Use the People Grid to get at-a-glance information on a specific contact by looking at the relevant column. Click the checkbox to select a profile in order to apply a bulk action.  Click on a contact’s name to open their Profile. Find out more about Profiles in Beamery here.

Top Tip: Need to quickly select a large group of profiles? Click the checkbox for the first profile in your list, then hold your shift key down and check the box for the last profile in the list. This will check the boxes for all of the profiles between the two boxes that you checked. 


A Closer Look at the People Grid Toolbar

The People Grid Toolbar sits at the top of the People Grid view, and allows you to take actions on the contacts seen on the People Grid. 

a. Show/Hide Filters - Click this link to show or hide the Filter Panel. Choosing to hide the Filter Panel offers a wider view of the People Grid, making reviewing contacts from the People Grid easier. 

b. Saved Filters - Use this dropdown to select or remove a Saved Filter, or use the vertical ellipsis button to save the  currently applied filters as a Saved Filter. 

c. Number of Selected Contacts - Here, you will see the number of contacts selected using the checkbox alongside their contact record in the grid view. 

d. Assign to User Bulk Action - Use this button to assign the selected contact(s) to a user in Beamery.

e. Archive Bulk Action - Use this button to archive the selected contact profile(s). 

f. Add to Pool Bulk Action - Use this button to add the selected contact profile(s) to a Pool. 

g. Send Bulk Message - Use this bulk action to send messages to multiple candidates at once without needing to create a Campaign. 

h. Bulk Actions - Click this dropdown to open the full list of available Bulk Actions, and then click on a bulk action from this list to apply it to the selected contact profile(s). These are the available Bulk Actions: 

    1. Add to Pool
    2. Add to Campaign
    3. Add to Vacancy 
    4. Add Global Tag
    5. Edit Status
    6. Edit Source
    7. Edit Location 
    8. Assign to User
    9. Export to CSV
    10. Archive

i. Show Columns Button - Click this button to open the columns list. Within the columns list, you can select or deselect a column by clicking the checkbox next to its name or select all columns using the checkbox at the top. Only the columns you have selected will appear in your view of the People Grid, and deselected columns will not appear in any CSV exports you perform from the People Grid. 

j. Create Contact Button - Click this button to begin creating a new contact profile.


A Closer Look at Column Headers on the People Grid

Column Headers on the People Grid are highly configurable, allowing you to customize your view of the People Grid.


a. Sort in ascending or descending order - Click on a column header once to sort the people grid in ascending order based on the information in this field. Click the column header a second time to sort in descending order. Click a third time to remove sorting by the information in this field. Note that the People Grid can only be sorted by fields that contain one value, like Date Created or Full Name. Fields with more than one value like Campaigns Received cannot be used to sort in this way. 

b. Three Lines - Hover over a column header to see the three lines, click the three lines to open a menu of options for this column. Using this menu, you can pin a column to the left or right side of your grid view, autosize this column or autosize all columns, and reset your columns. Resetting your columns will reset the sorting and order of your columns but will not change the column width. 

c. Column Order and Width - To rearrange the order of your columns, click anywhere in the column header and drag it into the position you prefer. To resize the width of a column, hover over the right hand edge of a column until you see the cursor change to this: resizer-01-01-qKw.png . Then, click and drag to adjust the width of the column to your preference.


In Summary…

The People Grid is an essential part of the Beamery CRM, allowing you to quickly see and review lots of contact data in an easily understandable and customisable view. 


Additional Resources

An Overview of the Beamery Profile

How to Use Filters and Create Saved Filters

How to Apply Bulk Actions