How to Archive and Delete Candidate Profiles from Beamery

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You can remove candidates from general circulation in your database by archiving them. If you want to remove them from your database altogether then you can also delete them. 

Archiving Profiles

You can archive candidates in three ways:

1. Using a Bulk Action to Archive Profiles: you can archive candidates anywhere within the CRM (People, Pools and Vacancies).

To archive contacts select them individually or identify the relevant group by using filters. You can then click the bulk action button and select "Archive" to move those contacts into your archive.

2. Archiving Within the Profile: to archive a contact while in their profile, simply click on the vertical ellipses at the top right corner. Select "Data privacy settings" and then select "Archive" to move the individual into your archived list. 

3. Archiving as a Recipe Action: you can also set up a recipe for candidates to be archived automatically based on certain prerequisite actions. 


For a refresher on how to create a recipe, check out our help doc here.


Deleting Contacts 

1. To delete contacts permanently from your Beamery system, select the Archived option from the filter panel to see the archived profiles in your CRM. 

2. Select the contacts you wish to delete; you can do this on an individual basis, for a specific group of profiles, or by clicking the box next to Full Name to select all archived profiles. Click the Bulk Actions button and select Delete

Note: candidates that have been deleted from Beamery can be re-added as new candidates to the system in the future. To remove details from a candidate's records and block them from being re-added or contacted in the future, please anonymize the profile. Detailed steps on how to action this process can be found here.