How to Add Resumes/CVs to Candidate Profiles

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Attaching resumes/CVs, test results or feedback documents to candidate profiles in Beamery allows you to use the Beamery Profile as a single source of truth. Attaching Resumes also allows you to create data-rich Beamery profiles, as the information from the attachment will be parsed onto the contact profile. 

Attach a Resume

To attach a resume, navigate to the candidate's profile by searching for their name in the Quick Search bar or clicking on the candidate's name from the grid view. Next, click on the "Attachments" tab in the top right corner of the profile.

Click the blue "Upload attachment" button at the top left-hand side of the screen.


Alternatively, you may drag and drop a file into the "Add Attachment" box containing the "Upload attachment" button.

Wait for the upload to complete after which you will see an "Upload Successful" message appear. You can now close the window.



After the attachment has been uploaded to the Beamery Profile, you and any other Beamery user who can view this Profile will be able to view and download the file from the attachments tab of the Profile. The information, including skills, from the attachment will also be parsed onto the Beamery Profile (if the attachment was a CV).  

Attachments parsed will have any detected information added to the Beamery Profile including all email addresses found on the attachment. This means that in rare cases where a candidate has included other email addresses on their resume (for example, a referee's email address), these will also be added to the Beamery Profile as if they are the candidate's email address.

 To learn more about parsing, click here