Troubleshooting: Why the Number of Candidates in Beamery Vacancies and Vacancy Stages May Differ from Greenhouse

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If your organization uses an integration between Greenhouse and Beamery, occasionally you may notice that the number of candidates displayed in vacancy stages within Beamery are different to the number of candidates shown in a pipeline stage in Greenhouse.

There are several possible reasons for this:

1. The Beamery vacancy stage ‘All Contacts’ counts all contacts including hired and rejected candidates. In Greenhouse the total contacts shown against a vacancy only counts active candidates unless you click into the vacancy where you can see the split between active and rejected candidates. The total in Greenhouse also excludes any prospects which are shown separately under the Prospecting tab until they become candidates.





2. If a candidate has been moved or rejected from a vacancy stage, they will disappear from the count in the pipeline stage in Greenhouse, but remain within the Beamery stage that they were in prior to being moved or rejected.

Note: If you would like to see which candidates have been rejected within the Beamery stage, you can display the ‘Rejection Reason’ column or filter based on ‘Rejection Reason’ to show only those who have a rejected reason, or only those without a rejected reason - i.e active candidates.


3. Depending on how you have set up your Recipes and workflows, there may be contacts that have been added to the vacancy in Beamery but not yet been synced to Greenhouse which will result in a discrepancy between the two systems. 

4. Any contacts who exist in Greenhouse without a full name will not be synced to Beamery, since a full name is required as a mandatory field to create a contact in Beamery.

5. If a candidate is rejected from a vacancy in Greenhouse but subsequently applies for the role again via Greenhouse. Greenhouse creates a new application entry against the vacancy which is counted twice. However Beamery will merge the contacts so that they appear as a single contact and are therefore only counted once.