Get Started with Workday Skills Cloud Integration

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Table of Contents

What is the Workday Skills Cloud Integration?
How does it work?
Getting Started
Watch a Demo

What is the Workday Skills Cloud Integration?

As Workday’s only Certified CRM partner, Beamery supercharges our customer’s hiring workflows by syncing the required skills listed in an open requisition in Workday Skills Cloud, directly into Beamery.

By syncing these skills into Beamery, customers can:

  • Design & calibrate new roles based on Workday skills,
  • Match candidates to jobs based on the data pulled from Workday Skills Cloud,
  • Auto-populate searches in the CRM with predefined skills to get more precise matches.

How does it work?

If you have Workday Skills Cloud enabled on your Workday tenant, we are able to automatically sync the skills data you have associated to Job Requisitions inside Workday across into Beamery. These skills are attached to the Vacancy within Beamery CRM.

Any updates regarding skills made to a Job Requisition in Workday, will be synced to the Beamery CRM and attributed directly to the vacancy. 

The syncing of these skills occurs on a regular scheduled cadence, ensuring that all of your sourcing workflows are updated with any HRIS changes.

Skills can be added to the vacancy within Beamery, however any skills which originated in Workday cannot be edited within Beamery. This ensures the data’s integrity and ability to adhere to permissions set from within Workday . To learn more about using Beamery’s own native Dynamic Job Architecture with a configured skills taxonomy, please see this article.

Beamery can easily identify skills which are pulled in from Workday by calibrating the vacancy and viewing the skills presented:

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Users can hover over the skill to understand if the skill has been sourced from Workday or not.

Here you can add additional skills to the vacancy to compliment further sourcing activity within Beamery.

Getting Started

The integration setup process consists of these easy steps:

  • Ensure Workday Skills Cloud is enabled within your Workday Tenant. Beamery can assist you with this if needed.
  • Review your skills data within Workday.
  • Beamery will enable and configure the integration internally.
  • User acceptance testing will ensure that skills are syncing as expected and allow sign off for the integration.

Once the above has been completed, congratulations! Your Beamery users can calibrate on vacancies based on the latest skills inside your Workday Skills Cloud and enrich them with skills suggested by Beamery AI. Sources and recruiters can review suggested contacts within Beamery CRM as a part of their usual sourcing activity.

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