An Overview of Pages and Forms Reporting

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The Pages and Forms functionality comes with its own detailed analytics that shows you both the conversion of the page - such as how many visitors who visited your page fill out a form - as well as a breakdown of that conversion over time.

To navigate to Pages and Forms Reporting, click the 'Reports' icon in the left-hand navigation menu, and then select Pages and Forms from the dropdown menu. 


There, you will see the Pages and Forms Report, where you can gain reporting insight into the performance of your Beamery Pages and Forms. 

See the below image to understand the Pages and Forms report: 

a. Filters - Use these filters to select a report type, choose which Page or Form you would like to report on, and set a dat range for your report.

b. Key Metrics - Here, you will see 4 key metrics for the selected Page or Form: Total Pageviews, Number of Unique Visitors, Number of Prospects and the Conversion Rate of visitors to prospects. *Please note - if these numbers are higher than you expected, it may be because contact(s) have been archived/merged/deleted.

c. Key Metrics Over Time - Here, you will see a graph showing your key metrics over time. Make a time selection of Daily, Weekly or Monthly, and use the dropdown menu at the right of this graph to select which metrics you would like to view over time on this graph.

d. Top Sources - In this table, you will find the top sources for your Page or Form, with metrics broken down by source.