How to Create and Manage Pools

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Pools in Beamery are a great way to manage candidates around particular workflows and candidate attributes. Pools allow you to achieve more organization in your talent pipeline and nurture candidate relationships in a more targeted way. They can also be used to track contacts from events and segment contacts for campaigns.

Table of Contents

How to Create a Pool
How to Edit an Existing Pool
How to Delete a Pool
How to Search for a Pool
How to Update a Contact's Pool Step

How to Create a Pool

Follow these instructions to create a new Pool: 

  1. To create a  pool, first navigate to the Pools tab in the left hand navigation bar. This will take you to the Pools list where you can find your own pools and pools shared with you.
  2. Click on the Create Pool button in the top right corner. This will take you to the Pool creation page.
    Pools - create pool.png
  3. Next, you will need to choose your Pool Type. The available Pool Types are:
    1. General Pool - This is the most commonly used pool type and is suitable for the majority of pool use cases. General pools do not include Pool Steps and are often used to group candidates attributes such as industry, region or specialty or for a specific workflow, such as grouping candidates you want to target with an outreach campaign.
    2. Sourcing Pool - Available to users of Executive Search. Unlike General pools, Sourcing pools include Pool Steps. Pool Steps allow for more nuanced tracking of candidate progress within a Pool, beyond the overall candidate relationship that is represented by their Status. The sourcing Pool Steps include: Lead, Passive, Interested, Engaged, Screening, Qualified, Rejected, and Unsuitable. Sourcing pools are used specifically for sourcing workflows, to gather and qualify candidates for a role before they become associated with a vacancy.
    3. Events Pool - Events Pools are only available to users of the Events module, and cannot be selected from the pool creation screen. To create an Event Pool, you must create an Event using the Events Module. An Event pool is created automatically whenever you create a new Event. Like Sourcing pools, Events pools have standardized Pool Steps: Prospect, Invited, Registered, and AttendedYou can learn more about the Events module here.Create_Pool_Step_1.png

      Pool types cannot be changed after they have been created. If you need to change a Pool type, create a new pool with the correct Pool type and migrate all the contacts from the original Pool into the new Pool with a bulk action.  

  4. Once you have selected a Pool Type, click the Next Step button.
  5. Next, you will need to complete the Pool Information step. First, enter a name for your Pool, being sure to name it something meaningful and descriptive, so you can locate it later or it can be easily found by colleagues. In some cases, your company may have strict naming conventions for pools, so make sure that you are aware of these.
  6. Next, you can include an optional description of the pool. This is especially helpful when using a pool collaboratively with your colleagues so that everyone can easily understand its purpose.Screen_Shot_2019-12-09_at_2.00.30_PM-pMw.png
  7. Now, apply one or more Global Tags to your Pool. Global Tags help your organization keep pools organized and allow you to easily filter to locate relevant pools. 
  8. Adding the pool to a Pipeline can further help organize pools. More information about Pipelines can be found below.
  9. Last in the Pool Information step, you can select the Pool Owner and Pool Manager. By default, both of these will be set to your name, but both can be edited. The Pool Owner is the individual responsible for that pool, while the Pool Manager is often another user with a vested interest in that pool, such as a hiring manager. 
  10. Once you have completed the Pool Information step, click the Next Step button. 
  11. The final step in the Pool creation process is to choose your privacy settings. All pools are set to private by default. You also have the option to keep a pool private, while sharing it only with select users or with a specific team of users.Screen_Shot_2019-12-09_at_2.01.17_PM-axM.png
  12. You can also choose to make the pool public, making it visible to all Beamery users at your organization. Screen Shot 2023-10-11 at 2.05.47 PM.png
  13. Once you have selected your Pool's privacy settings, click the Create Pool button to create your Pool and begin adding candidates. 


How to Edit Existing Pools

Once a pool has been created, you can follow the below steps to edit its name, owner, manager or apply additional Global Tags or add it to a Pipeline. 

  1. To edit a pool, navigate to the Pools dashboard from within the CRM module and locate the pool you would like to edit. 
  2. Click on the Pool name.
  3. Click on the three dots located at the top left of the page. Then select Edit from the drop-down menu.                                                                            Pools - Edit Pool.png
  4. This will take you to the same screen you saw when creating a new pool. While you cannot change the Pool type, you can rename the pool, apply Global Tags and Pipelines, or edit the Owner and Manager. Lastly, you can also make changes to the pool's privacy, including sharing (see next section).
  5. Once your edits are complete, click the Save button.


How to Delete a Pool

If a Pool is no longer relevant to you or your workflows, you may wish to delete it. Ensure that the Pool is not being used by other colleagues or in Recipes before deleting it. 

  1. To delete a pool, navigate to the pool and click on the Pool name.
  2. Click on the three dots located at the top left of the page. Then select Delete from the drop-down.                                                                                        Pools - Delete Pool.png
  3. A window titled "Delete Pool" will appear. To confirm the Pool's deletion, click the green "Delete Pool" button. This action cannot be reversed, so be sure that you are ready to delete the Pool before you confirm the action.delete_pool_2.png

Event pools are not able to be deleted. Always use caution when deleting a pool. Pools can be linked to several critical workflows, such as automated Recipes or Forms. Always check with your manager if you are unsure how a pool is being used, before deleting it.


If your organization has a large number of Pools, use the below instructions to search and filter for a particular Pool or group of Pools.

  1. To search for a particular Pool within Beamery, navigate to the Pools list by clicking the Pools tab in the CRM module. This will display all of your Pools, as well as any that have been shared with you.Pools - Search and filter.png
  2. Use the free text search box to look for a Pool by name and then use the drop-down filters to refine the list of Pools by:
    1. The type of Pool
    2. The assigned owner of the Pool
    3. The assigned manager of the Pool
    4. Global Tags assigned to the Pool
    5. Pipelines the Pool belongs to

The search and filter functions can be combined to refine your results as needed.


How to Update a Contact's Pool Step

Contacts who are added to a Sourcing or Events pool will have an associated Pool Step, to help you track their progress through that pool. There are a couple of ways to update a contact's pool step.


From within a Sourcing or Events pool, you can use a bulk action to update multiple contacts at once. Just select the contacts you wish to update, then select "Update pool step" from the Bulk Actions dropdown. You will see a pop-up modal window with a dropdown allowing you to select a pool step. Select the pool step you wish to move the selected contacts to, then click the "Update pool step" button.

You can also update an individual contact's pool step from their profile. Open the profile of the contact you wish to update, then navigate to the Pools workspace. Find the pool which you would like to update click the dropdown for "Pool step" to update it. 


In Summary... 

Pools are a powerful way to segment and manage candidates as they engage with your organization's recruitment efforts, allowing you to easily track and nurture candidate relationships.