Using Employee Profiles to Generate Suggested Contacts for New Roles

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If you find yourself sourcing for a role you’ve never hired for before, you can use Suggested Contacts to find relevant candidates without the manual work that might otherwise be required when sourcing for a new role. To do so, use current employee profiles to kickstart Suggested Contacts. After all, there’s nobody more relevant for a role than the people already in that role! 

Follow these steps to use employee profiles to source for unfamiliar roles using Suggested Contacts.

  1. Create a new Pool, or you can use an existing Pool if you already have one.
  2. Find or create the Beamery Profiles of current employees who are already in this role, and add these to your Pool. You can do this by adding contacts to Beamery from their social profiles using the Beamery Extension, or you can manually create their profiles within Beamery
  3. In your Pool from step 1, click on ‘Suggested Contacts’ and you will be presented with a list of suggested contacts who are likely to be a good fit for your Pool, based on the current employees you already added. For more information on how Suggested Contacts comes up with suggestions, see this article.

  4. Add or dismiss contacts from this list. As you do this, Suggested Contacts will learn more about what you’re looking for, and the suggestions will become more refined. 1598542859081-8L4-pIM.png

Sourcing for unfamiliar roles by leveraging existing employee profiles and Suggested Contacts is easy and efficient, allowing you to spend your time on more important things, like nurturing relationships with the great candidates that you’ve found! 

Interested in other ways you can use Suggested Contacts? Take a look at these additional use cases.

Have questions about Suggested Contacts? Reach out to


Additional Resources

An Overview of Suggested Contacts
Suggested Contacts: How it Works