Using a Verified Email Address in Beamery

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A verified email address in Beamery allows you to send direct emails or campaign messages from multiple email addresses, directly from Beamery. For example, if your TA team uses a shared email address such as, you could use this as a verified email address in Beamery in order to be able to send campaigns from this address.  

To understand the difference between a verified email and a connected email, click here

How to Add a Verified Email Address

Begin by navigating to Settings, and selecting Account Information from the settings sidebar. 


Under Add New Email, type in the email address that you would like to verify and click the + button. This will now show as a pending email address. 

You will then receive an email to this address. Click the button in that email to confirm that you would like to verify this email address. 

Return to the account information page in settings, and you will now see this address as a confirmed verified email address. 

Next, set an Email From Name for this verified email address. If you are adding a generic email address such as, you may want to update the email from name to be something that matches this, such as Careers at Beamery.  

By default, the Email From Name for new email addresses will be set as the Name field. For new Verified Emails, you can edit this field to set a new, specific Email From Name tied to that new email by clicking inside this field and making updates. 

**Note: there is currently no limit to how many emails you are able to verify, however, we recommend verifying between 1-5 emails.