On January 29, 2025, Beamery's Connected Emails feature will be deprecated. Here is a list of commonly asked questions surrounding the removal of connected emails.
Why is connected email being removed?
A large number of Beamery users were unable to adopt Connected Emails based on their organizations' security restrictions. Upon review, only 8% of Beamery's customers had adopted Connected Email. Of that 8%, only 20% of end users had connected their email addresses and were using the feature.
How can I disconnect my email?
Step by step instructions for disconnecting your email address can be found here.
Will my synced email history remain on a profile timeline after Connected Email is deprecated?
Much like if you disconnected your email address in the past, the synced history will be removed because Beamery will no longer have access to your inbox. This is a security feature and ensures your privacy and candidates’ privacy. This means that the following emails will no longer be synced once Connected Emails is deprecated:
- Emails sent from your mailbox directly to a candidate
- Emails sent from the Beamery CRM using Connected Email
- Emails sent from a candidate to your mailbox (without a Beamery tracking address)
- Any emails sent that occurred outside of the Beamery CRM
Will Beamery be replacing Connected Emails in the future?
At this time, a direct, like-for-like, replacement is not currently on Beamery's roadmap. However, Beamery will actively engage with customers to better understand their needs, the challenges they faced, and why they did or didn’t adopt connected email. This will help us identify a more strategic solution moving forward.
How can I best log and track my candidate communication once Connected Emails is deprecated?
Any new emails sent through the Beamery platform either through Campaigns or direct messages will be tracked and appear on the candidate timeline. So, the best way to track your candidate communication is to send messages to candidates directly in Beamery.
After Connected Email is deprecated, when a candidate replies to an email, Beamery users will receive an email notification in their inbox with the candidate’s reply included, along with a link to the contact’s profile in the CRM. If the user wants the ongoing communication to be synced in Beamery, it’s important that they reply through the CRM rather than directly from their mailbox. This ensures the conversation continues to be tracked and logged in the system.
When a user replies to a candidate from within the Beamery platform, what email address will the candidate see?
Emails sent by users from within Beamery will be from the user's email address. For example: user@company.com. When a candidate replies to an email sent from within Beamery, the reply-to address will carry a unique tracking address in order to sync messages back to the Beamery CRM. For example, a reply-to address might be: user-54578973hawei29@talent.company.com.