How to Connect Your Calendar In Beamery

Last Updated:

Beamery will no longer support the previous version of Connected Calendar as of March 26, 2025. Users will need to reestablish the connection with their calendars prior to this date. Use this guide to manage your calendar accounts ahead of the upcoming change. 

Connecting Calendars

Connecting your calendar in Beamery allows you to use Meeting Scheduler in your campaigns and 1:1 messages. This lets candidates easily schedule meetings with you at a time that works best for them.

Beamery will not share the details of your calendar or existing meetings with candidates.

  1. Navigate to Settings in the top right-hand corner of Beamery.
  2. Choose Linked Calendars under Email Settings.
  3. Click Add calendar account to begin adding a new calendar.
  4. Choose the provider from the list of options and enter your calendar credentials to set up the linked calendar.

If you encounter the message 'Need admin approval' During Calendar Authorization, please refer to the technical documentation for Beamery's calendar integration for more information and steps to obtain approval. 

Updating Meeting Links in Campaigns

On March 26, 2025 existing meeting links will stop working. Be sure connect your calendar with the new provider and replace any existing links in your campaigns before this date to avoid broken links. 

Once you've reconnected your calendar and created new meeting links, you'll need to replace the meeting links in existing campaigns. To do so, navigate to the campaign and click Edit. 

Click on the button or hyperlink text and replace the link with the updated version 

Save your changes and you're all set. 

You should also consider any other locations you have scheduling links that need to be updated. Templates and multi-touch bulk messages can also contain links that you will need to replace.