HRIS<>Grow<>CRM Overview

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Achieving a total view of talent means you need access to the latest, aggregated talent data from the external market, your employees and alumni in one place. Direct access to this data allows you to make better talent decisions. The integration between your HRIS and Beamery is one of the many tools at your fingertips to continually maintain a single source of truth for total talent data. Both Grow and the CRM are part of Beamery’s “Talent Lifecycle Management Platform” (TLM). As such, sharing data with each other is at the core of our overall solution.

Having employee information both from your HRIS integration and from Beamery Grow unlock unrealized potential for Talent Acquisition:

  • Properly manage employees and alumni in the same place you manage external candidates - the CRM. This means recruiters can stop wasting time contacting recently joined employees for roles. 
  • More thoroughly assess your next best candidate. Recruiters will be able to benchmark remarkable recent hires or existing high-performers for skills and experience.
  • Foster a culture of internal mobility. Internal talent can also be easily considered quickly and easily for open roles. 
  • Maintain a relationship with alumni. Attrition is natural, but why should you lose touch with a great employee forever? Boomerang employees are becoming more and more common: with working knowledge of your organization alumni are quicker to ramp, plus you de-risk hiring as you know more about these people. 
  • Extend the reach of your Talent Marketing team. Don’t let the conversation end at hire. Empower your Talent Marketing team to keep building relationships, even after an offer is accepted.

Teams will make confident hiring decisions when they can use Beamery’s AI to compare potential candidates with top-performing employees or alumni. And, they’ll work more efficiently knowing the data they use is updated in real-time, making it the single source of truth for candidate communication.

Learn how to get started with the integration here.


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