How to set up Okta SAML with Beamery

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To set up Okta SAML you will need to follow the below process:

Prerequisite: Before starting this setup please reach out to Beamery Support to get the metadata for your SSO 

1. Sign-in to the Okta Admin site. Confirm you are “Classic UI” mode, by selecting it from the options in the top left.

2. Select the “Applications” page

3. Above the search bar, click the green “Add Application” button


4. In the left hand panel, click the green “Create New App” button



5. In the “Create New Application Integration” view, leave “Platform” as “Web” and for “Sign on method” select “SAML 2.0”

6. On the bottom right, click the “Create” button


7. Go to “General Settings” page


8. Set the App name as Beamery and logo as below image:

9. Set any App visibility setting you wish, click "Next"


10. In the “SAML Settings” Page, fill in the details as provided by Beamery Support


11. Click "Next" and complete the feedback form. You should then be taken to the Sign On settings page for the newly created app.

12. In the middle of the page, click the “View Setup Instructions” button


13. You should be taken to a page titled “How to Configure SAML 2.0 for Beamery Application”

14. Copy the three pieces of data:

  • Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL
  • Identity Provider Issuer
  • X.509 Certificate

15. Provide these three things to Beamery to complete the integration!