How to Parse Data from a Candidate’s Resume into their Beamery Profile

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When you attach a resume to a candidate's profile, Beamery will automatically add information from the document into the candidate profile. When a unique identifier like an email address is included, Beamery will also enrich candidate data with social information to provide you with a full 360-degree view of each contact in your database.

When an attachment is parsed and information is added to the Beamery Profile, all email addresses found on the attachment will be added to the Profile. 

Attach a Resume in a Candidate Profile

  1. To attach a resume, navigate to the candidate's profile by searching for their name in the Beamery search bar. This will take you to their profile.
  2. On the candidate's profile, click on the "Attachments" tab, then click the blue "upload attachment" button at the top right-hand side of the screen.
  3. The "choose file" window will now appear. You can either drag & drop the document into the window, or click the "Choose File" button to manually select the file to attach.
  4. Wait for the upload to complete. You will see an "Upload Successful" message appear. You can now close the window.
  5. The Beamery parsing engine will begin parsing information from the attached resume to the candidate's profile automatically.

    When an attachment is parsed and information is added to the Beamery Profile, all email addresses found on the attachment will be added to the Profile.  The uploaded resume should have elements like contact information, work history and education history to be identified as a resume and be correctly parsed by Beamery, otherwise it can lead to bad parsing

  6. To view the resume in Beamery, simply click on the "Show" link below the name of the file. You may also copy the attachment URL in order to share it outside of Beamery. See below for how to delete an attachment.


Attach Resume in the Beamery Extension

  1. You can attach resumes and candidates' profiles via the Beamery Extension when adding a new candidate, or updating information for an existing candidate in your database.
  2. Navigate to the candidate's social media profile and open the Beamery Extension. To learn how to use the extension, click here.
  3. When adding the candidate's name and email address, the second page of the Beamery Extension will load. Select the "File" tab.
  4. You will see a section titled "Upload an Attachment". Click on "Choose file" to locate the resume or document you wish to attach to the candidate's profile. Alternatively, drag and drop the file into the attachment upload section.                      Screen_Shot_2020-02-21_at_11.59.51_AM-jKA.png
  5. Beamery's parsing engine will begin parsing information from the attached resume to the candidate's profile automatically.
    When an attachment is parsed and information is added to the Beamery Profile, all email addresses found on the attachment will be added to the Profile. 

    For more information on what happens when you add an attachment via the Beamery Extension, check out this article


Which Languages can be Parsed?

See the list below for the languages that the Beamery parsing engine can parse from resumes onto Beamery profiles. 

Chinese (Simplified)









Portuguese (all dialects)

English (all dialects)



Russian (including Belarusian)



French (all dialects)


German (all dialects)

Spanish (also Catalan, Galician, Basque)






Delete a Resume or Attachment

To delete a resume or attachment from a candidate's profile, navigate to the candidate's full profile and click on the "Attachments" tab.

Click on the "remove" link below the name of the attachment file. You will see a pop-up window asking you to confirm the permanent deletion of the attachment. Confirm that you would like to remove the attachment.


The attachment will now have been deleted from the Profile. Note that any information parsed from the attachment into fields on the Beamery Profile will not be deleted, and will remain on the Profile. 


Resumes added from an ATS or other integrated system

You can retrieve all the information from a candidate’s resume submitted via their job application, and sync it directly to their profile on Beamery. 

Resumes imported from an ATS like Workday, or other integrations via the public API, are not parsed in Beamery by default. If you would like to continuously parse resumes ingested into Beamery, or in bulk, please contact your CSM for information on how to set up this service.