July 2024 - Release Notes

Last Updated:

Coming up this month

New Products & Core Workflow Improvements

Updates in the table below will be going live in user environments in July, 2024.

Product Area Feature Description Sandbox Date Prod Date

Talent Acquisition 

Smart Profile

The Custom Fields tab has been redesigned and improved. Users can now hide empty fields to reduce noise and scan available information faster, as well as see the count of empty/filled fields. Issues with the calendar picker have also been fixed.


See the July Product News for more information. 

July 17th July 31st
Candidate Review

Candidate Review reduces time-to-hire by improving collaboration between sourcers and recruiters.

Users are able to quickly share candidates for review with other collaborators, whether there is a specific vacancy in mind or not as well as 
share multiple candidates for review at once to save time in the sharing process.

See here for more details.

July 17th July 31st

Talent Experience


Multipage Convert Flows break down lengthy sign-up forms into manageable steps, reducing candidate drop-off rates and improving mobile usability. Candidates will benefit from better error handling and a smoother sign-up process, while you enjoy cleaner, more accurate data collection.


See the July Product News for more information. 

July 17th July 31st


Overview of Resolved Issues & Minor Updates

The updates in the table below went live in June 2024 to maintain the stability of the platform and improve the user experience.

Product Area Feature Type Description

Talent Acquisition


Candidate Review

Minor Updates

An 'Open Profile' button has been added to the 'Candidate Review' window so that users are able to view and edit the candidate's profile following feedback.

When a logged out user follows a 'Review Candidate Now' link they will be redirected to SSO then the relevant page rather than the Beamery Homepage.

Support for higher zoom levels (up to 400%) has been added to the mobile layout to review and action on candidates shared for feedback.

Smart Profile
Minor Updates

Users are now able to share a note with a team rather than explicitly managing access for each team member.

A 'View Details' link has been added to activities within the 'History Log'.

The SMS icon has been updated across the profile.

Bug Fixes

The 'empty state' for the inbox has been improved.

The 'empty state' for the inbox has been improved when filtering produces no results.

The hover states for the attachments and inbox items have been improved. Document names are now clickable.

When a user navigates to another contact from the people list, or via the arrow navigation, the notes tab on the profile is preserved and the new contact's notes are shown.

Users will no longer get an authentication error message when navigating the Smart Profile via the chevrons.

(Spanish Language Customers) - Improved Spanish translation quality on Smart Profile

There is no longer a mismatch in the match score displayed in the list of suggested contacts and on the contact's profile.

Contact Importer Bug Fix

The 'Do Not Enrich' field has been made case insensitive so that it accepts both upper and lower case 'True / False' values when importing from CSVs.

Talent Experience


Bug Fix

The campaigns widget within the Smart Profile will now show past campaigns as expected.


Minor Updates

Users are able to export data directly from the main Convert page as a CSV file, allowing them to create custom reports, compare performance across different Convert flows and make informed decisions to optimise recruitment strategies.

For customers who do not have the "Auth Convert" feature enabled, the "Logged In Flow" filter will now be hidden.

University dropdown options have been updated.

Scaling and delivery of images on Convert forms has been improved.

An 'Opt-out' experience has been added to the Candidate Profile to make it as easy for candidates to withdraw consent as it is to give.

Bug Fixes

Users will no longer be able to add more than one button to a page in a Convert Flow.

An issue with SVG images not displaying on Convert Forms and Company Logo blocks has been fixed.

Minor Updates

The default match score threshold for new users in Talent Portals has changed from 4 to 3 to ensure new users see more matches with opportunities. Users can still change this setting as desired from their match settings.

Text has been added to explain to users in Talent Portals how our AI chooses their recommended articles

The One Time Password (OTP) email sent from our Candidate Authentication Service has been updated in order to improve readability and rendering across email clients

The default radius for non-remote opportunity matches has increased from 10 miles to 50 miles for new users in Talent Portals to increase the likelihood of new users seeing high quality matches to opportunities.

Bug Fixes

The Talent Portals job alert email template has been updated for better readability across devices including mobile.

Images on job alerts emails will now load as expected.

Fixed invalid location search response in portals.

Fixed image resizing in portals.

Candidates are now able to save/apply for any opportunity, not only their matches, as is expected.

Workforce Intelligence

Job Architecture Portal Bug Fix

Adding or removing skills within the role panel will correctly update the data across the portal.

AI Taxonomy Minor Update

Updates translations for roles that were missing labels in Spanish.