September 2024 - Release Notes

Last Updated:

Coming up this month

New Products & Core Workflow Improvements

Updates in the table below will be going live in user environments in September, 2024.

Product Area Feature Description Sandbox Date Prod Date
Talent Acquisition
Contact Exporter

The Contact Export experience has been improved:

  • Customisable Exports: users are able to choose which columns to export, and can name each export.
  • Export is now a repeatable process.
  • Users can track progress with email notifications.
  • The date format readability has been improved: no need to be a CSV/Excel expert to make sense of data.

See here for more details.

September 11th

September 25th


Users with the relevant permissions now have an easy way to delete pools. Permissions required:
- Super admin
- Pool creator
- Pool owner

September 11th

September 25th

Smart Profile

Improvements to the Pools and Vacancies experiences as communicated in August.

Live Now

September 11th


Overview of Resolved Issues & Minor Updates

The below table will be updated at the end of September with a view of all changes that went live in in the month to maintain the stability of the platform and improve the user experience.

Product Area Feature Type Description