Building Campaigns in Campaign Editor

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The Campaign Editor is a tool designed to make editing your campaigns seamless.  Candidate communication is a vital function within Beamery and one of the most frequently-used features for that is Campaigns. The new Campaigns is giving you a leg up in accessibility, deliverability and design for all your candidate messaging. Wow your candidates by creating stunning messages with intuitive drag and drop tools - no coding needed!

Please note that not all user permission levels in Beamery can create Campaigns, learn more here

How to Build an Email in Campaign Editor

Learn the basics of setting up your Campaign here

Campaign Editor Diagram

How to create a new campaign-10.png

a. Click to go back to the Campaign Overview page
b. Templates options

1. Load Template - Load an existing email template into your workspace

2. Save Template - Save an email you've created in your workspace as a template to be used by everyone in your organization

c. Create a Meeting Scheduler link to allow others to book meetings with you 

d. Easily insert the link to a Convert Flow into your email message

e. Send a test of the email message to preview and edit your work

f. Save your work and Launch the Campaign
g. Undo, Redo, Preview and Toggle desktop to mobile views

The far right menu contains the following functionality:

Audit - Under the audit tab you will see warnings that help you avoid mistakes. Missing links or alternate text warnings will appear here as you build your email.

Uploads - easily access all the images and content you have previously uploaded to use in your future email construction. This section will be limited to only your content, not shared content. (Available for users with Super Admin, Sourcing Admin, Marketing Admin, or Marketing Standard permissions only.)

Body- Under the Body tab you find the global controls for the entire email. Use this tab to change the color of your text, the background color of the email, the width of the email body, global alignment, font family, and link styles. 

Blocks- Move into blocks and start adding predefined, easy to use content blocks to your email. Here you will see a variety of blocks to choose from as well as column and row properties to customize them to your needs. You can add color, images, borders and more.

Content - Add content to your email like images, text, buttons, videos and more. Please note - your organization may have limits on the types of content you are able to use in Campaign messages. If you have any questions, please speak with your Beamery Administrator. 

Adding Blocks

We recommend starting your build by adding an email block. Simply drag and drop your desired configuration from the blocks panel on the right.  You can change the configuration format at any time. Under Column Properties you can make adjustments like adding a background color or applying padding, and borders to each column.Campaign-Blocks.gif


Next start adding Content to your blocks and configuring items such as Headings, Text, Buttons, Images, Videos, Social Links and more. These are all drag and drop, so find the content you need and drag it into place.

Adding Content

Please note - your organization may have limits on the types of content you are able to use in Campaign messages. If you have any questions, please speak with your Beamery Administrator. 

Buttons: Add a button to your email, then click on the button to edit the button text. Font, size and general formatting are in the editor.  Additional edit options can be found on the right panel.  These include button colors, alignment, padding, border and responsiveness on Desktop or Mobile.


Additionally, you can choose an action type for your Button by choosing between Open Website, Send Email, Call Phone Number or Send SMS.


Images: When adding images, drag and drop the image content type into your block and then upload your file on the right panel or link to an image URL. Acceptable image formats include PNG, JPG and GIF with a max file size of 20MB. For more best practices on using the right size images in your emails, click here

You can make some quick edits to your image, adjust the width and alignment, link the image to another page, change the padding around the image, hide it on mobile or desktop and add your Alternate Text for accessibility.


Videos: For videos, drag and drop the video content type into your block, then enter the YouTube link to your video on the right panel and adjust your padding or video responsiveness. Adding a video to your email campaign will not embed the video. Most email clients will not support emails with videos embedded in the content. Rather, the thumbnail image of the video is used and linked to the video's location on YouTube. This ensures your email will be successfully delivered.

*Please note: The image thumbnail used in the email is controlled in YouTube. Also, Beamery does not currently support YouTube short URLs.


Text and Heading: Drop these content types into your blocks and find all the customization tools from other content blocks like boarders and padding plus standard text formatting tools like hyperlinks, emojis, and list formatting. 

Merge Tags: Heading and Text content also include Merge Tags.  Merge Tags are candidate data points from your CRM which you can add to personalize your email campaign and make them more targeted to each individual. Click the Merge Tags button and select the variable you would like to use from the standard profile fields including first and last name, company and university degree, as well as custom fields based on your organization's setup.

Merge tags come with a 'fallback' option in case the field is empty on a contact's profile. For example, if the person's first name was not in your CRM, the fallback (in the example below) would be "there" so the message would read "Hi there" in place of the person's name. You can change the fallback by replacing the text within the quotation marks. %firstName|fallback="there"%


Social: Add your organization's social media links by dropping the Social content into a block and clicking to edit it. Choose the icon type and which social media platforms you wish to include, then add your organization's links. 


Signatures: Add your email signature to an email for a personal feel. Drag and drop the Signature content type into your email and it will populate the email signature you have setup in Settings. Any changes that need to be made to your signature will need to be made in Settings. If you change your email signature in Settings, the changes will reflect in your draft and active Campaigns. 

Unsubscribe: By default Campaign Editor will add a standard unsubscribe link to all your Campaign emails. If you would like to customize that message, remove the unsubscribe block by clicking on the entire row and then clicking on the trash can icon. Then add a text block and customize the message to match your organization's need and use the unsubscribe merge tag to create the hyperlink.

Please note: When you send a test email, you will see the unsubscribe link as a variable but the link will not be clickable.

Dividers: One way of breaking up content and making your email messages easier to read is to drag and drop dividers (<hr>) into you email message and position them where you like. 

HTML: Use the HTML content type to iframe in content like google maps, forms or add custom content like your organization's social media icons

Responsive Design - For every design element, content block, video, image etc. you will have the option to hide on mobile or desktop. This will help ensure your emails display correctly and professionally on any device.

Desktop View Mobile View
Campaigns_Responsive_1.png Campaigns_Responsive_2.png

As final steps, you are able to preview your campaign and toggle between desktop, tablet and mobile (including dark mode). 

Lastly, don't forget to check the Audit Tab for any missing links or alternative text. 

Now you can jump back to How to Create a New Campaign 2.0 to wrap up and send your campaign!


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