An Overview of the Campaign Analytics Dashboard

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Beamery Campaigns offer a great communication channel for engaging with and nurturing candidate relationships en masse. Campaign Analytics in Beamery allow you to analyze and report on the success of Campaigns that you have sent, giving you the insight you need to adapt and update your approach to focus on the highest impact strategies for your organization. 

Accessing Campaign Analytics 

The Campaigns list page has some of your most important metrics for each Campaign right at your fingertips. Data on the number of emails delivered, open rates, click rates and more are front and center. 

NEW - Campaigns Analytics.png

Reading the analytics - you may see some metrics represented as 0% while others show as "-". The difference is that 0% indicates there are contacts in the Campaign but no opens, clicks, etc. whereas "-" indicates that there are not yet contacts added to the Campaign.

Click the down arrow next to a Campaign name to see data on each Campaign touchpoint. Click the eye icon to see a preview of the email.

To access the full Campaign Analytics page, find the Campaign you're looking for, scroll all the way to the right (this may be off screen depending on the size of your monitor) and click on the vertical ellipses. Then select View Analytics.

Navigating the Campaign Analytics Dashboard

The Campaign Analytics Dashboard offers in-depth analytics on the performance of your Campaign, including metrics on delivery rates, open rates, unsubscribe rates and much more. Check out the below diagram to learn more: 


  1. Filters & Search - Use the dropdowns to select the Campaign and touch for which you t would like to view details on the Campaigns Analytics Dashboard. Use the search box to find a specific recipient to analyze their interactivity with the campaign. 
  2. All Tab - Here you will find all profiles that were intended to receive the Campaign touch, regardless of the success of delivery of the Campaign touch. 
  3. Delivered Tab - Here you will find the contacts to whom the Campaign touch was successfully delivered. 
  4. Opened Tab - Here you will find the list of contacts who opened the Campaign touch. 
  5. Clicked Tab - Here you will find the contacts who clicked on one or more of the links in your Campaign touch. For a more detailed view of clicks per link, export your Campaign analytics to a CSV. 
  6. Replied Tab - Here you will find the list of contacts who replied to the Campaign touch.
  7. Unsubscribed Tab - Here you will find the list of contacts who used the unsubscribe link in this Campaign touch to unsubscribe from your organization’s mailing list. 
  8. Undelivered Tab - Here you will find the list of contacts to whom it was not possible to deliver the Campaign touch. This includes deferred, bounced and dropped messages. 
  9. Skipped Tab - Here you will find the contacts to whom it was not possible to send the Campaign touch. This may be because they have already unsubscribed from your organization’s mailing list. 
  10. Scheduled Tab - Here you will find the list of contacts who have not yet received the touch, but are the potential audience for that touch. Contacts typically move from Scheduled to either Skipped or Delivered. For multiple Touch Campaigns, as soon as Touch 1 is processed a Contact will be added to touch 2 as Scheduled. At the date and time identified for the scheduled touch the system runs a check to confirm if that Contact meets the required criteria to deliver this message. If they do they will be moved to a Delivered Status, if they do not they will be moved to Skipped.
  11. Cancelled Tab - Here you will find the list of contacts who were originally intended to receive this Campaign touch, but have since been removed from the Campaign. 
  12. Grid - Here, you will see the list of contacts for each of the above tabs. This view includes individual campaign information for each contact's profile. 

Campaign Reporting

In addition to individual Campaign analytics, you can see these analytics across all campaigns by clicking 'campaign report' within the reporting page.

Within the campaign report, you can analyze the effectiveness of messaging and filter to see how this tracks over:

  • Time
  • For campaigns vs direct messaging
  • For particular users
  • For specific campaigns
  • For a particular touchpoint (e.g. open rates for 2nd touches vs 1st touches)

You can also see a Messaging Leaderboard in the Campaigns Report. This will show you the open rates and reply rates, along with the change in this rate during a specified time period, by team member. You will also see a column called 'Messages Delivered'. While 'Messages Sent' displays the total number of emails sent out, Messages Delivered displays only those emails that were received by the candidate (i.e this excludes emails that bounced or were undelivered, for example due to an invalid email address). Open, click and reply rates are calculated based on the number of messages delivered.


In Summary… 

The Campaign Analytics Dashboard allows you to take a deep dive into the performance of Campaigns you send using Beamery, allowing you to tailor your Campaign strategy in order to make the highest impact. 


Additional Resources

How to Create a Campaign
Campaign Types: What’s the difference between Single, Dynamic and Triggered Campaigns?