What is the difference between a Single, Dynamic and Triggered campaign?

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Campaigns offer Beamery users a flexible and automated way to communicate with and nurture contacts. When building a campaign in Beamery, users first select a campaign type. Use this article to help you understand the different campaign types available in Beamery, and when each one is useful. 

For instructions on how to create a campaign, check out this article

Table of Contents

Campaign Types at a Glance
What is a Single Campaign?
When Should I Use a Single Campaign?
What is a Dynamic Campaign?
When Should I Use a Dynamic Campaign?
What is a Triggered Campaign?
When Should I Use a Triggered Campaign? 


Campaign Types at a Glance

Type Touchpoints

Add contacts after launch?

How are contacts added?
Single One No During Campaign Creation.
Dynamic One or Many Yes During Campaign Creation, Manually from the Profile, Via a Bulk Action, or using a Recipe.
Triggered One or Many Yes Using a Recipe.


What is a Single Campaign?

A Single Campaign is a campaign used for one-off email blasts.  These are messages you would like to ensure can’t be sent after the initial blast. A Single Campaign can only have one touch, and candidates cannot be added to a Single Campaign after it has been launched. 


When Should I Use a Single Campaign?

A Single Campaign in Beamery is useful when you need to send a campaign message that is specific to a certain group of contacts at a specific point in time. Using a Single Campaign ensures that only the contacts you select will receive the campaign since contacts cannot be added to the campaign after it is launched. If you instead think you want to add contacts to a campaign continuously, you’ll want to use a dynamic or triggered campaign instead. 


What is a Dynamic Campaign?

A Dynamic Campaign in Beamery is a campaign that can have multiple touches in which contacts can be added to after it has been launched. Contacts can be added to Dynamic Campaigns manually from the profile, using a bulk action, or using a recipe


When should I use a Dynamic Campaign? 

A Dynamic Campaign is useful when you wish to use a  campaign repeatedly over a period of time. This type of campaign also allows you to add contacts to the campaign after it has been launched. Finally, Dynamic Campaigns are also useful because they offer the flexibility to leverage both recipes and manual actions to add candidates to the campaign. 


What is a Triggered Campaign?

A Triggered Campaign in Beamery is a campaign that can have multiple touches. But in this type of campaign, contacts must be added using Recipes. After you create a Triggered Campaign, you will need to create a Recipe with an action to add candidates to the Campaign (or add an action to an existing Recipe). Note that only Super Admin users can create or update Recipes in Beamery. 


When should I use a Triggered Campaign?

A Triggered Campaign is useful when you want to use a campaign repeatedly over time and would like to add contacts to the campaign using Recipes. Users cannot manually add contacts to Triggered Campaigns, which makes them useful for consent workflows. 


In Summary…

Beamery Campaign types offer the flexibility that you need to build and use Campaigns for different use cases within Beamery. 


Additional Resources

How to Create a Campaign
How to Create a Recipe