Managing your Sharing Settings

Last Updated:

In the Account Information area of Settings, you can update your Sharing Settings. 

Sharing in Beamery lets you share the content of your emails and notes with your colleagues to improve collaboration and help you make more informed decisions on candidates. Sharing is highly recommended, but if you work on confidential vacancies or with sensitive information, you may wish to disable Sharing. 


Sharing Settings

1. To set your sharing settings, click on your name from the dropdown menu in the top right of the screen and choose Settings. You should now be on the Account Information page.

Settings Dropdown.png
2.  Scroll to the bottom to find Sharing. By enabling this option, you can share your emails sent to candidates (these will appear on the candidate timeline) and share your calendar with colleagues to boost collaboration. If you send emails with sensitive content, you can disable sharing settings here to keep them private.
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