How to Manage Job Architecture Skills within the Portal

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Skill management in Beamery is designed to help your team configure ever-evolving role definitions on an ongoing basis. By adding and removing skills related to your core role definitions, as well as configuring required skills and proficiency levels, you are able to proactively maintain your role definitions to be used across your talent ecosystem.

Add Skill to Role

  1. Within the Job Architecture Portal, navigate to a specific role.
  2. On the right-hand side of the role display, click ‘+ Add Skill’.
  3. In the pop-up window, enter a skill you would like to add to the role. Select the skill closest to your entry criteria. Beamery will attempt to direct your input criteria to the closest skill title, accounting for versions (Python 3.0.1 vs Python), language differences (Data Modelling vs Data Modeling) and abbreviations (E2E Marketing vs End to End Marketing).
  4. Select the desired Proficiency level (if applicable), as well as if the skill should be marked as ‘Required’.
  5. If more than one skill addition is required, click ‘Submit and add another’.
  6. If only adding one skill, or when on the last of multiple, click ‘Submit’. You will see that the skills selected have been added to the role, with the source detailed as ‘Added Manually’ when clicking on the skill title.

JA Portal - Add Skill.gif

Remove Skill from Role

  1. Locate the skill you would like to remove.
  2. On the right hand side, select the ‘three dots’ and then ‘Remove from role’.
  3. Use the pop-up window to ensure you have selected the correct skill to remove. If incorrect, click ‘Cancel’ and repeat with the correct skill. If correct, click ‘Remove’.

JA Portal - Remove Skill.gif

Edit Skill Granularity

  1. Whenever required, click the ‘View Proficiency Scale’ button on the Role profile to view definitions associated to each level.
  2. Locate the skill you would like to edit.
  3. On the right hand side, select the ‘three dots’ and then ‘Edit skill’.
  4. Use the pop-up window to ensure you have selected the correct skill to edit. Adjust the proficiency  level or required status. Click ‘Save’ to complete changes, or ‘Cancel’ if incorrect.

JA Portal - Edit Skill.gif

Bulk Edits

  1. Locate the check boxes on the left hand side of the list of skills.
  2. Click on the check boxes corresponding to skills you wish to complete the same action against.
  3. Use the buttons above the list of skills to perform a specific action:
    • Unmark as required
    • Mark as required
    • Set proficiency to…
    • Remove skills
    • Clear selection

JA Portal - Bulk Edit.gif

Track Changes

For any addition, removal, edit or bulk edit usage - all changes are tracked and reflected within the History Log, which is visible by clicking on the clock on the right hand panel. This contains details regarding:

a. Action taken
b. User details
c. Data / Time stamp

JA Portal - History Log.gif