How to Use the Beamery Extension with Workday

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Using the Extension with Workday allows you to quickly create or update Beamery Profiles directly from within Workday. This article will help you to understand the ways you can use the Extension with Workday, if you’re looking for a more general overview of using the Extension, check out this article.

Table of Contents

How to create a New Beamery Profile from Workday
How to edit an existing Beamery profile from Workday

How to create a New Beamery Profile from Workday

Before following these steps, you will need to install the Beamery Extension. Then, follow these steps to create a Beamery Profile from Workday: 

  1. Navigate to a contact profile in Workday, and open the Beamery extension by clicking the Beamery icon in your Chrome toolbar.
    Extension in workday - contact import.png
  2. If the contact doesn't already have a Beamery profile, the Extension will automatically pull in the contact’s name and email address from Workday.Extension in Workday 3.png
  3. Use the Extension's Sourcing Settings to set other fields for this contact like Source, Status, or any of your organization's Custom Fields.
    extension soucing settings.png
  4. Upload attachments (like resumes) to the contact's profile by clicking the plus sign for Upload Attachment(s) and choosing the attachment file. 
  5. Once you're ready, click Create Contact to create a Beamery profile for the contact. 
  6. The Beamery Profile that you have created will contain a link to the contact’s profile in Workday under Links. This allows you to easily move between Profiles in Beamery and Workday.1629282414070-JHQ.png

How to edit an existing Beamery profile from Workday

  1. If a contact already exists in Beamery, you'll see an overview of their profile in the Extension. To update an existing profile, click the dropdown arrow to change the field selection or the pencil icon to add or remove items like Pools or Vacancies.
    Extension Existing Contact.png