Source for candidates faster in Beamery with Suggested Contacts in Vacancies.
To access Suggested Contacts in Vacancies, navigate to the Vacancies tab from the left-hand navigation menu. Once you've found the Vacancy you are working on, click View contacts under Suggested contacts.
Or, once you are in the grid view of a Vacancy, click on Suggested contacts in the sidebar. Here you will find 3 convenient categories for Suggested Contacts:
Great fit contacts - Suggested Contacts for this Vacancy, based on the current Vacancy calibration, who are more than a 4 star match for your ideal candidate.
Silver medalists - Suggested Contacts for this Vacancy who have engaged with your organization on a prior job req. The tag 'Silver Medalist' is defined using logic set by Beamery admins (see below). Silver medalists displayed here are limited to 100. The logic defined in your system may identify more than 100 Silver Medalists. If that is the case, only the top 100 Silver Medalists will display for a Vacancy - based on Match Score.
Recently engaged contacts - Suggested Contacts for this Vacancy who have recent engagement, warm leads.
Here you will find a ranked list of contacts from your database best suited for the vacancy you're sourcing for.
Hover over the Match Scores to see a breakdown on how each score is calculated. Do you think a match has an incorrect score? We use your feedback to review our data model on a regular bases. Use the Give Feedback link to let us know if you've noticed an incorrect score.
Learn more about how Beamery's AI calculates Talent Match Scores here.
Once you find contacts you believe are a good fit for the vacancy, perform a bulk action on them by clicking the check boxes next to their names and choosing the right next step for their journey.
For vacancies with more than 2,000 contacts, Candidate Matching score will only be visible for the first 2,000 contacts. If you would like to view the Match Scores of contacts in a Vacancy with more than 2,000 contacts, choose a Vacancy Stage with fewer than 2,000 contacts or click on a contact's profile within the vacancy. See below.