How to Move Candidates Through Vacancy Stages

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Vacancies help you to manage candidates that are in your hiring process. These could be candidates that have applied for a role, or candidates that your team has sourced and qualified as interested.

Your company's use of vacancies will depend on your internal workflows, your use of an ATS, and whether your ATS is integrated with Beamery. Ensure that you are familiar with the best practices prescribed by your organization.

In this article, learn how to manage candidates through Vacancy Stages

How to Move Candidates Through Vacancy Stages

First, to find a list of all current vacancies, click the Vacancies icon in the left-hand navigation menu. You will see a list with all individual vacancies.

For a more detailed description of a vacancy, click on the arrow next to the vacancy's name. There you will see more information and quick links to access. 

You can manage the progress of your candidates as they proceed through each stage of your recruitment and interview process. Your recruitment funnel in Beamery may include stages such as:

  • Qualified
  • Shortlist
  • Phone Screen
  • Onsite 
  • Offer 
  • Hired

Stages can be customized in Settings but only by Admin or Super Admin level users 

Each vacancy shows a summary of how many candidates are sitting in each stage. To quickly access the list of candidates in a certain stage, click on the vacancy stage.

Click on the candidate's name to open their profile. Locate the "Vacancies" section on the right side of the profile under which you will find all roles the candidate has been considered for, as well as the stage they are in for each. 

To update the stage, click on the stage drop-down menu and select the next stage you want to move the candidate to. Once clicked on, the stage will automatically update on the profile and in the vacancy. 

You can also bulk update the stage of multiple candidates by selecting them within the Vacancy grid view. Once your desired candidates have been chosen, click the "Bulk actions" button and select the "Update vacancy stage" option. In the pop-up window that appears, select the stage from the drop-down menu that you wish to move the candidates to.

In addition to using "Bulk Actions" to update the vacancy stage of multiple candidates at one time, you are also able to remove candidates from a vacancy using the bulk action "Remove from vacancy".


Historical Vacancy Stages

As candidates move through vacancy stages, Beamery remembers the vacancy stages they were in previously. This data is available as a Historical Vacancy Stages filter in the CRM, Reporting, and in Recipes modules. Historical Vacancy Stages tracks the entire journey of a candidate through vacancies. 

As an example - if a candidate enters a vacancy in the stage 'Review' then advances through 'Screen', 'Interview', and finally to 'Offer', the candidate's Vacancy Stage is Offer. However the candidate's Historical Vacancy Stages are Review, Screen, and Interview. This holds true across multiple vacancies. 

An important distinction for Historical Vacancy Stage is this filter will show you candidates in the Vacancy Stage during a specified time. It will NOT be limited to candidates who entered a Vacancy Stage during a specific time. For example - a filter of Historical Vacancy State IS offer and a date range of September 1 - 30 will show all candidates who had a Vacancy Stage of offer during those dates - regardless of when they moved into that Vacancy Stage.  

If you wish to find only candidates who entered the Vacancy Stage of offer during the month of September, you would need to add a second filter. Use AND Historical Vacancy Stage is not offer before September 1st. This will return results of only candidates who entered the Vacancy Stage of offer in the month of September.