Creating and Editing Multi-Page Flows in Convert

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Using multi-page Convert in Beamery is easy and intuitive. It allows you to gather detailed candidate data while enhancing the candidate experience and improving data quality. Not every Convert flow has to be multi-page. For example, flows requesting basic information are best left as standard Convert flows. However, multi-page Convert is a game-changer for collecting detailed, high-quality candidate data.

The multi-page Convert experience won't change your Convert flow workflow, but it will give you flexibility on how you want to structure, customize, and build questions in the Convert builder.

Creating a New Multi-Page Convert Flow

Step 1: Create a New Convert Flow

From the left-hand navigation bar, navigate to the Convert module and click on Create conversion flow. You will begin with a default Convert page, similar to any Convert flow. From here, create your Convert flow as you normally would.

Step 2: Default Landing Page for Convert Builder

Initially, your new Convert flow will be set up as a single page. You can choose to keep this one-page setup or break the flow into smaller and more digestible steps for candidates, with Multi-Page.

add a step .png

Step 3: Adding New Pages

To add new pages to your Convert flow, click Add step at the bottom of the form builder. Then give your page an internal name. Repeat this process for each step to easily identify the parts of your flow.add a step name.png

Step 4: Customizing Each Step

Continue dragging and dropping questions into each step. Customize each step to gather specific, granular data without overwhelming your candidates.

step added .png

Step 5: Continue Building Your Flow

Continue adding steps and customizing questions until your multi-page flow is complete.

multi page convert flow .png

Step 6: Preview and Publish

Once you have added all necessary steps and questions, preview your flow to ensure it looks and functions as expected. Finally, publish your flow to make it live.

Previue 1st page .pngpreview 2nd page.png

Step 7: Expanding and Collapsing Steps

Use the arrows on the top right corner of each page to expand the view of the step you are currently focusing on. By default, this will collapse the other steps to keep your view organized.

arrow expand view .png

Step 8: Managing Steps

Click on the three dots to expand the menu to rename steps, delete steps or move a step one position up or down.

3 dot menu .png

settings change name or delete step .png

Step 9: Customizing Navigation Buttons

When candidates view a live Multi-Page Convert Flow, each step will have a default Back" and "Next" buttons to navigate to through the pages. You can customize the button text under the customization tab in your Convert Flow. customise buttons .png

Step 10: Thank You Page

The thank you page will remain as the last summary step for candidates, similar to standard Convert Flows.

thank you page .png


Convert an Existing Convert Flow into a Multi-Page Convert Flow

Step 1: Navigate to the Existing Convert Flow

Locate the flow you want to edit in the Convert module.

Step 2: Access the Editor

Click on the name of the flow to open the flow editor.

Step 3: Review the Current Layout

You will be presented with the Convert Flow builder page where you'll see your Convert Flow as a single page.

edit convert flow view .png

Step 4: Convert to Multi-Page

If you wish to change the existing flow into a Multi-Page format:

  • Edit the content and divide it into multiple pages using the "Add step" button (described in Step 3 of the previous section).
  • Rearrange and customize your content across the new pages as needed.

Step 5: Save and Publish Changes

Once you've made your desired changes, save and publish the updated flow.

Events Convert Flows

It's important to note that the multi-page experience does not apply to Events Convert flows.
For Events Convert:

  • All functionality remains unchanged.
  • Events Convert flows will continue to operate as single-page forms.
  • No changes or adaptations are necessary for existing Events Convert flows.
  • When creating new Events Convert flows, the process and options will be the same as before.

This distinction ensures that event registrations maintain their streamlined, single-page format, which is often preferable for quick sign-ups and RSVPs.