Convert Flows - Authenticated Access

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Create a seamless experience for prospects and candidates by turning on Authenticated Access in your organization's Convert Flows. Allow candidates to update their profile information and prepopulate their existing information to make return visits quick and easy. 

Authenticated Access is only able to be added to your Beamery account once Custom Web Domains are set up. For more information on setting up Custom Web Domains, click here

To begin, start by creating a new Convert Flow. Under Access, choose 'require candidates to log in'.  Convert _ Connect to Pool 4.png

On Convert Flows with Authenticated access, the Thank You page will be converted to a toast message. This message is intended to let those submitting the Flow know that their submission was successful.

Convert _ Authenticate.png

The rest of the Convert Flow setup process remains unchanged. But now, when candidates click on this Convert Flow link, they will be prompted to enter their email address.

Candidates will then receive an email with an authentication code. Logging in with this code will bring up the Convert Flow with any information they have previously provided your organization, prepopulated in the fields.