Convert Flows - URL Parameter Mapping

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Beamery Convert Flows are a great way to learn more about candidates and add more quality data to your CRM. But you can also use URL Parameter Mapping to collect metadata and map it back into your CRM to know more about where Flow submissions happen. For example, you can use URL Parameter Mapping to track which recruiter referred a candidate, or which campaign a Flow was submitted from. 

User Permissions

This feature is accessible for users with Super admin and Marketing admin permissions only. 

Getting Started

Before you begin, make sure you have custom fields created for each data point you would like to track with Data Mapping. In our example below, we have created a custom field called Referral Name. Please note that the Custom Field type must be Short Text. 

Next, navigate to Convert from the left-hand navigation menu. There you will click on Settings in the top right. Under URL Parameters, you can begin adding the parameter mapping for any custom fields you have made. The first column, URL parameter, is the value that needs to be inserted into the URL. Please note that whatever is entered here will need to be an exact match for how the URL is built. The second column is for you to select which custom field the data will map to. URL parameters.png

Once you have set these parameters, click Save settings at the top right. You can now begin sending URLs within the defined parameters to map even more data back to your candidate profiles. 

Creating Mapped URLs

Begin by pasting your Flow’s URL and adding a question mark (?) at the end of the URL. 


Then add the exact value that has been set in settings under the URL parameter column . 

Example: name

Then add an equal sign (=) and the value you wish to pass into the Custom File. 

Example: the URL name=JohnDoe

You can also add multiple parameters to a URL by separating them with an ampersand (&).
Example: name=JohnDoe&campaing_source=LinkedIn&recruiter=JohnSmith

Please note that any spaces in the URL will be translated into (%20), because URLs can’t have spaces, so it follows special encoding instead. In this case your final URL after pasting in into a browser will like like:

Important: Please make sure that the URL parameter values created in Settings exactly match the parameters inserted into the URL. 

Example:URL parameters 2.pngURL parameters 3.png

Data Consistency

It's important to establish naming conventions that your entire team will use. If your team is using both "," and "facebook" under "utm_source," you will only end up building muddy data.

Before the start of a campaign, agree on naming conventions for common parameters. This should include the names for different mediums ("social" vs. "social media", "search" vs. "paid search", etc.) and traffic sources ("facebook" vs "" or "reddit" vs "").

Even capitalizations or spaces will make your analytics a mess if you follow different conventions. For example, “Social Media”, “Social media” and “social media” will generate 3 different data points when you begin reporting on campaign sources. Define clear rules for your team to follow from the beginning.

  • Will you use underscores or dashes in a campaign name?
  • Will all links use only lowercase? (Generally, it’s best practice to use all lowercase in your UTM links)
  • What are approved terms for words with aliases? 

Click here to see how you can track these metrics with Data Explorer.

Please note that Custom Fields will be overwritten if a new Convert Flow is submitted with the same parameter mapped to a different value. For example: if you send 2 campaign emails with Convert Flow links that include a parameter for the campaign ID and a candidate submits both Flows, the value in the Custom Field: Campaign ID will be that of the most recent submission.