When to Enable Repeat Recipes

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The 'Repeat recipes' feature allows you to automatically re-apply recipe actions to contacts when trigger criteria are met again in the future.

This can be useful in cases where you want to continually update records based on changing data.

For example, updating contact engagement status based on the ‘contact last heard from’ field, as described in the example scenario below. With Repeat recipes enabled, status will toggle between 'engaged' and 'passive' automatically as the days since last contacted crosses the 180 day threshold.

Example Scenario

Goal: to automate setting a contact’s engagement status, based on how long ago we heard from them.

So we create two recipes:

  • 1st recipe: Every hour we check if the 'contact last heard from' field is less than 180 days, the update status to 'engaged'.

  • 2nd recipe: Every hour we check if the 'contact last heard from' is more than 180 days, then update status to 'passive'

Enabling the 'Repeat recipe' option for these two recipes would allow the recipe actions to be applied to a contact every time the trigger criteria are met.

After we enable both recipes, the first recipe runs against a contact who meets its criteria 'contact last heard from' is less than 180 days. The recipe updates the contact’s status to 'engaged'.

In this case, the contact does not engage with any campaigns or direct outreach from recruiters. So, 181 days later, the second recipe is now true – 'contact last heard from' is now more than 180 days. So the second recipe updates the contact’s status to 'passive'.

A week later, the contact responds to a campaign or message from the recruiter, so 'contact last heard from' is now less than 180 days again.

Because we turned ‘Repeat recipes’ on, the first recipe was able to run against this contact again. So the contact’s status gets updated to 'engaged'.

It is important to know that by default (without Repeat recipe enabled), recipes apply actions to a contact only once. If the contact meets the trigger criteria again in the future, no actions will occur because the recipe has already run on this contact.

When Not to Enable Repeat Recipes

'Repeat recipes' may not be desirable in other cases where you only want one-time actions:

  • Recipes triggering a welcome campaign, or other one-time onboarding flows. You would not want to send the same welcome email over and over.

  • Recipes involving contact processing or segmentation. You would not need to run these over and over.

Enabling the 'Repeat recipe' option for these two recipes would allow the recipe actions to be applied to a contact every time the trigger criteria are met.