Managing Unsubscribed and Do Not Contact Candidates

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Managing candidate consent is a key part of engaging with candidates, and ensuring a great candidate experience. 

Table of Contents

Understanding 'Unsubscribed' vs 'Do Not Contact'
What Happens When a Candidate Unsubscribes from a Campaign?
Unsubscribe: The Candidate's Experience
How to View Unsubscribed Contacts

Unsubscribed vs Do Not Contact:

Unsubscribed relates to a scenario where a candidate has chosen to unsubscribe from messages - this field can only be set by a candidate and not by a user in Beamery.

However, there may be a situation where a contact has not unsubscribed, but you wish to prevent them from receiving future campaigns and direct messages from Beamery. In this instance, we would recommend using the Do not Contact feature, which can be accessed by clicking the vertical ellipsis button at the top of the profile and selecting Do not contact. As stated above, this will prevent those contacts from being added to campaigns or receiving direct messages from any Beamery user in your organization.

If a contact who is marked as Do not Contact is then added to a Campaign, they will be skipped in the same way as if they had unsubscribed. 

What Happens When a Candidate Unsubscribes from a Campaign?

When creating campaigns, users have the ability to allow candidates to unsubscribe adding the Unsubscribe content block to their emails. More on Campaign creation here

Note: in certain jurisdictions, the law requires you to provide recipients the right to opt out of receiving certain types of communications from you. Please consult your local counsel should you need more information.

If the candidate then chooses to click the link and confirm that they would like to unsubscribe, this will be automatically updated in Beamery and they will be prevented from being added to campaigns and receiving any additional campaign or bulk messages, via the platform.


Unsubscribe: The Candidate's Experience

When a candidate clicks the unsubscribe link at the bottom of an email sent from Beamery, they will be taken to this screen, where they will need to click to confirm that they would like to unsubscribe.

Once the candidate confirms that they would like to unsubscribe, they will see a confirmation page with the name of your organization, and confirmation that they have unsubscribed from future messaging. This page also offers the option to resubscribe, if desired. 


How to View Unsubscribed Contacts: 

You are able to see contacts who have chosen to unsubscribe in various ways:

1. Campaign analytics.

2. Sorting the Unsubscribed column in the People Grid

3. Using filters in the People Grid and searching on Unsubscribed.