Understanding Beamery User Roles

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This article is intended as a guide to understanding the various user types within Beamery. You can use this as a reference when deciding which users at your organization should have which roles, based on their responsibilities and day-to-day work.

This article acts as a summary of the roles available in Beamery. Within this article, you will find a separate article for each user role that outlines what they can and cannot do and see in Beamery in more detail.


Super Admin

Sourcing Confidential

Marketing Admin

Recruiter Standard

Marketing Standard

Recruiter Confidential

Marketing Limited


Sourcing Admin


Sourcing Standard

Hiring Manager

Sourcing Limited



Below is a summary of the capabilities of each user role. If you need further support deciding which user role is best suited for a user's needs, check out this flow chart

Super Admin

Super Admin is the most powerful role type in Beamery and allows access to all features of the platform that are included in your package, including the ability to view private pools and vacancies and customize the platform in Settings. Users with this level of access should be limited to one person or a very small group of people within your organization.

See more about the Super Admin role

Marketing Admin

Marketing Admins can access all parts of the Marketing module, but cannot edit other configurable parts of Beamery settings such as Global Tags or Vacancy Stages. It is recommended to have at least one user with this permission level in order to take responsibility for the publication of Pages and Forms.

See more about the Marketing Admin role

Marketing Standard

Users with the Marketing Standard role are able to access both the CRM and Marketing modules, but are limited in some other actions; they can create Pages and Forms but not publish them. This is the best permission for users whose daily workflows are centered on talent marketing activities.

See more about the Marketing Standard role

Marketing Limited

Marketing Limited users have access to the basic functionality of the CRM that enables simple talent marketing activities, including adding contacts and sending email campaigns. They are limited from accessing other marketing modules such as Pages and Forms.

See more about the Marketing Limited role

Sourcing Admin

Sourcing Admins have access to the vast majority of CRM functionality, but are limited in their access to the Marketing module and certain actions in Settings. They can view reporting and add new users to the system, but cannot publish Pages and Forms or access Events.

See more about the Sourcing Admin role

Sourcing Standard

Sourcing Standard allows users to access all the CRM features needed to complete typical sourcing workflows, including creating and sending email campaigns. This role is best for users whose day-to-day work is focused on sourcing activities, but who are not involved in talent marketing.

See more about the Sourcing Standard role

Sourcing Limited

Sourcing Limited users have access to the most basic of CRM features, including creating contacts, sending direct email messages and viewing public pools. This role is best for those who need to be able to see, add and review candidates, but who should not have access to email campaigns.

See more about the Sourcing Limited role

Sourcing Confidential

Sourcing Confidential users have special access to features and abilities that are included in Beamery's Executive Search module, specifically Confidential Profiles. They also have access to all the primary platform functionalities such as adding contacts, creating pools, accessing vacancies and running candidate searches. While they don't have access to Marketing features like Pages Forms, or Events, they can create and send Email Campaigns.

See more about the Sourcing Confidential role

Recruiter Standard

Recruiter Standard allows users to access all the CRM features needed to complete typical sourcing workflows, including creating and sending email campaigns. This role is best for users whose day-to-day work is focused on sourcing activities, who also need to use Beamery’s Events module.

See more about the Recruiter Standard role.

Recruiter Confidential

Recruiter Confidential users have special access to features and abilities that are included in Beamery's Executive Search module. Whether you can access these features will depend on what is included in your Beamery package.

Recruiter Confidential users have access to all the primary platform functionalities such as adding contacts, creating pools, accessing vacancies and running candidate searches. While they don't have access to most Marketing features like Pages or Forms, they can create Events, and email Campaigns.

Recruiting Confidential users also have the ability to mark profiles as confidential, hiding them from the organization's general user population. Only Super Admin, Recruiting Confidential and Sourcing Confidential users can view confidential profiles and edit profile confidentiality.

See more about the Recruiter Confidential role.


Restricted users have the most basic access to the CRM module only. They can only view contacts that have been shared with them. While they can add notes to contact timelines, they can view but not edit profile fields. This permission level is best for internal users who are not part of the talent function or external stakeholders in your hiring process.

See more about the Restricted role.


The API user role can be assigned to any new or existing user and is designed to allow the user access to only to build or modify integrations. Users with this role will not have access to the Beamery UI, only the API. Use cases for this role include securely allowing external vendors access to build integrations with your system.

Hiring Managers

The Hiring Manager role should be reserved for managers who will be reviewing candidates in Beamery Vacancies and collaborating with recruiters and sourcers to calibrate vacancies. Their access is limited, therefore, to People, Pools, Vacancies and Tasks. 

See more about the Hiring Manager role.

Additional Resources

How to manage Beamery permissions and invite new users to the platform