Understanding User Roles: Hiring Manager

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This article is part of a series detailing the abilities of each Beamery user role. The table below lists which features of the platform Hiring Managers users can view and the activities they can perform.

Click here to return to the main user roles article, which includes links to the detailed articles for each user role.

Who should be a Hiring Manager user?

Hiring Manager users have some of the most basic access to the CRM module only (People, Pools and Vacancies). This permission level is best for Hiring Managers who will be participating in the reviewing of profiles, assigning and completing tasks, and calibrating Vacancies in collaborative efforts with Sourcers and Recruiters. 

A Hiring Manager user is able to search in People Grid for contacts which:

  • have been assigned to them
  • are in a private pool which has been shared with the user
  • are in a private pool which has been shared with a team which the user is in
  • are in a public vacancy
  • are in a private vacancy which has been shared with the user
  • are in a private vacancy which has been shared with a team which the user is in

As a result, it is to be expected that different Hiring Manager users will each see different results in People Grid.  


Module Action/Ability Accessible?
CRM Create contacts TRUE
CRM View private contacts FALSE
CRM Delete contacts FALSE
CRM View contacts TRUE
CRM  Submit profiles for review TRUE
CRM Import contacts using spreadsheet import FALSE
CRM Export multiple contacts via CSV using bulk actions TRUE
CRM Edit information in contact profile TRUE
CRM Create activities on the profile timeline TRUE
CRM Edit own activities on the profile timeline TRUE
CRM View private activities on the profile timeline FALSE
CRM Delete activities on the profile timeline TRUE
CRM View activities on the profile timeline TRUE
CRM View the Pools tab in profile FALSE
CRM View the Vacancies tab in profile TRUE
CRM Create direct message FALSE
CRM View direct message FALSE
CRM Provision users with SMS Virtual Phone Number FALSE
CRM Send direct SMS message FALSE
CRM View company feed FALSE
CRM Create a saved filter TRUE
CRM Edit existing saved filters FALSE
CRM Delete own saved filters FALSE
CRM Make filters public/private FALSE
CRM View public and own private saved filters TRUE
CRM View all public and private saved filters FALSE
CRM Create pools FALSE
CRM Edit pools TRUE
CRM View private pools FALSE
CRM Edit public pools FALSE
CRM View public pools FALSE
CRM Delete pools TRUE
CRM Share pools FALSE
CRM View pools on the pools dashboard TRUE
CRM View vacancies on the vacancies dashboard TRUE
CRM Create a vacancy FALSE
CRM Edit a vacancy FALSE
CRM  Calibrate vacancy  TRUE
CRM Suggested Contacts TRUE
CRM View private vacancies FALSE
CRM Edit public vacancies FALSE
CRM View public vacancies TRUE
CRM Publish vacancies FALSE
CRM Remove vacancies FALSE
CRM Share vacancies FALSE
CRM Create job levels FALSE
CRM Edit job levels FALSE
CRM Remove job levels FALSE
CRM View job levels TRUE
CRM Anonymize contact profile FALSE
CRM Un-anonymize contact profile FALSE
Extension Use the Beamery Extension TRUE
Marketing Create campaigns FALSE
Marketing Edit campaigns FALSE
Marketing Schedule Meetings FALSE
Marketing Delete campaigns FALSE
Marketing View campaigns in Campaigns dashboard FALSE
Marketing Edit Campaign Settings FALSE
Marketing Add a form to a campaign FALSE
Marketing Edit page settings FALSE
Marketing View form settings FALSE
Marketing Edit form settings FALSE
Marketing View and use custom fonts in settings FALSE
Marketing See the compliance section in Settings FALSE
Marketing Create a page FALSE
Marketing Edit a page FALSE
Marketing Customize page blocks FALSE
Marketing Clone a page FALSE
Marketing View list of pages on Pages tab FALSE
Marketing View a page FALSE
Marketing Publish a page FALSE
Marketing Delete a page FALSE
Marketing Create forms FALSE
Marketing Edit forms FALSE
Marketing Clone forms FALSE
Marketing See the list of forms on Forms tab  FALSE
Marketing View forms FALSE
Marketing Publish forms FALSE
Marketing Delete forms FALSE
Marketing Generate consent form FALSE
Reporting View reporting module FALSE
Reporting View campaigns report FALSE
Reporting View pipeline report FALSE
Reporting View pivot reports FALSE
Reporting View activity report FALSE
Reporting View vacancy pipeline report FALSE
Reporting View Team Leaderboard report FALSE
Reporting Create Reports using Data Explorer FALSE
Reporting Share Data Explorer Reports FALSE
Settings Create users FALSE
Settings Edit user permission level FALSE
Settings View user details FALSE
Settings Edit user details FALSE
Settings Send invitations to new users FALSE
Settings Remove pending invitations to new users FALSE
Settings View invitations to new users FALSE
Settings Delete users FALSE
Settings View users in settings TRUE
Settings Create SSO users FALSE
Settings Create super admin users FALSE
Settings Edit super admin user permission level FALSE
Settings Invite super admin users FALSE
Settings Remove invitations sent to super admins FALSE
Settings View pending super admin invitations FALSE
Settings Delete super admin users FALSE
Settings Create teams in settings FALSE
Settings Edit teams in settings FALSE
Settings Delete teams in settings FALSE
Settings View teams in settings FALSE
Settings Create email templates FALSE
Settings Edit templates FALSE
Settings Delete templates FALSE
Settings View and use templates FALSE
Settings Create global tags in settings FALSE
Settings Edit global tags in settings FALSE
Settings Delete global tags in settings FALSE
Settings View global tags in settings TRUE
Settings Create statuses in settings FALSE
Settings Edit statuses in settings FALSE
Settings Delete statuses in settings FALSE
Settings Create sources in settings FALSE
Settings Edit sources in settings FALSE
Settings Delete sources in settings FALSE
Settings Create Custom Fields in settings FALSE
Settings Edit Custom Fields in settings FALSE
Settings Delete Custom Fields in settings FALSE
Settings Create vacancy stages in settings FALSE
Settings Edit vacancy stages in settings FALSE
Settings Delete vacancy stages in settings FALSE
Settings Create vacancy groups in settings FALSE
Settings Edit vacancy groups in settings FALSE
Settings Delete vacancy groups in settings FALSE
Settings View vacancy groups in settings FALSE
Settings Create pool pipelines in settings FALSE
Settings Edit pool pipelines in settings FALSE
Settings View pool pipelines in settings TRUE
Settings Create Custom Web Domains FALSE
Automation Create new recipes FALSE
Automation Edit new recipes FALSE
Automation Remove new recipes FALSE
Automation View new recipes FALSE
Automation Make a recipe into a 'repeat recipe' FALSE
Automation See GDPR recipe triggers and actions FALSE
Automation View and use the schedule trigger FALSE
Exec* Create related profile relationship FALSE
Exec Edit related profile relationship FALSE
Exec Delete related profile relationship FALSE
Exec View related profile relationships TRUE
Exec Mark profiles as Confidential FALSE
Exec Mark confidential profiles as public FALSE
Events* View events list FALSE
Events View event pool TRUE
Events View events module FALSE
Events Create events FALSE
Events Delete an event FALSE
Events Edit an event FALSE
Events Publish events FALSE
Events Unpublish events FALSE
Events View Registration and Check-in flows in Flow builder FALSE
Events Edit Registration and Check-in flows in Flow builder FALSE
Homepage Beamery Assistant TRUE
Homepage Tasks TRUE
Homepage Assigned to you TRUE
Homepage Recently worked on TRUE

*The Exec Search and Events capabilities are only available to customers who have those modules as part of their Beamery package.