Without data on what happens after you click send, it's impossible to know what kind of messages actually work when it comes to contacting and engaging candidates. Beamery's Campaign reporting tools give you valuable information regarding opens, clicks and replies to enable you to continually refine and evolve your campaigns to make them more effective.
Table of Contents
Individual Campaign Analytics
Campaign Analytics Glossary
Exporting Campaign Analytics Data
Viewing Insights Across Multiple Campaigns
Individual Campaign Analytics
If you would like to analyze the performance of a specific Campaign or touchpoint, follow the below steps:
- To view the analytics of an individual campaign, first navigate to your Campaigns list by clicking on Campaigns in the left-hand navigation menu.
- Now you see a list of all your sent campaigns with a high level overview of analytics for each campaign. Click on the arrow next to the name of a campaign to see a breakdown of analytics by touchpoint.
- To look at more detailed analytics for an individual campaign, click on the vertical ellipses at the far right (you may need to scroll some) and choose View analytics from the dropdown.
- You will see a breakdown of every candidate and their engagement with your campaign including open, click, reply and unsubscribe rates, marked by day and time. Use the dropdown menus at the top of the page to navigate between touchpoints within that campaign or between campaigns.
You can change the width of a column to better view the data it contains. This can be done by hovering your cursor between the column headers until you see the expand icon, which you can click and drag to resize the column.
- You can access the profile of any candidate in analytics by simply clicking on their name. You can easily navigate between candidate profiles by clicking on their names.
- You can also use the search field at the top of the page to search for specific recipients within the campaign by name.
- To perform bulk actions, click on the checkbox next to the names of the contact you would like to action. A series of bulk actions will appear across the top of the page, including Add to pool and, under the Bulk Actions dropdown, Edit status and Assign to a user.
Campaign Analytics Glossary
As you explore the Campaign Analytics reporting available in Beamery, the below definitions may be useful:
All - All contacts who have been added to the campaign and are intended to receive the message.
Delivered - Contacts who have received the message.
Opened - Contacts who have opened the message.
Clicked - Contacts who have clicked on a link within the message.
Replied - Contacts who have replied to the message.
Unsubscribed - Contacts who have clicked 'unsubscribe' on the campaign.
Undelivered - Contacts who did not receive the touchpoint message, due to any of the below:
- Deferred - The receiving server delayed acceptance of the message for up to 72 hours (i.e. a soft bounce)
- Bounced - The receiving server denied the message, after 72 hours of deferring (i.e. a hard bounce). The address will be prevented from receiving messages going forward.
- Dropped - The receiving server denied the message (E.g. if the email triggers spam content filters). The email address will still be able to receive messages going forward.
Skipped - Contacts that were skipped from being attempted when sending the message, due to the email address previously being dropped or if the contact had previously unsubscribed.
Scheduled - Contacts that are scheduled to receive that touchpoint when the touchpoint has not yet been sent.
Cancelled - Contacts that were manually cancelled from receiving that touchpoint.
Exporting Campaign Analytics Data
You can export a CSV file of campaign analytics data for processing outside of Beamery by following the below steps:
- To export the analytics of a campaign, first navigate to your Campaigns list by clicking on Campaigns in the left-hand navigation menu.
- Now you see a list of all your sent campaigns with a high level overview of analytics for each campaign. Click on the vertical ellipsis button next to the name of a campaign, and select Export to CSV.
Viewing Insights Across Multiple Campaigns
As well, as tracking how an individual campaign has performed, Beamery enables you to get a bigger picture view of how all of your campaigns are performing. Follow these steps to report on multiple Campaigns:
- First navigate to your campaigns list by clicking on the Campaigns tab from the left navigation.
- You can see these analytics across all campaigns by clicking the vertical ellipses in the top right corner and selecting View Report.
- Alternatively, Campaign Reporting can be accessed by clicking on Reports in the left hand navigation bar, and then selecting Campaigns from the dropdown menu.
- Adjust the parameters for your report using the dropdown menus at the top. The parameters that you can set are:
- Date Range
- Campaigns Included
- Touchpoints Included
- The User who created the Campaign(s)
In Summary...
Beamery offers robust Campaign Reporting for both individual Campaigns and multiple Campaigns, allowing you to track and improve the performance of the Campaigns you send to candidates.