Workday ISU Creation with Multiple Security Groups

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The use case for an ISU user to be assigned to two security groups comes into play when a customer must control the vacancy data coming out of Workday. 

The steps below instruct you how to create the two security groups and assign them to your single ISU user account.  The constrained security group will be specific to vacancy data and the unconstrained will be for contacts.  The end result will allow for all necessary contact data to be pulled while vacancy data coming out of Workday will be restricted based on the filtering applied by the customer.  

Step 1
- Build two security groups (one constrained and one unconstrained) and assigning both security  to ISU (in example below; Beamery_Constrained)




Step 2 Add the following domains to the constrained security group (for vacancy)
Job Information
Job Postings
Job Postings: External
Manage: Evergreen Requisitions
Job Requisition Data
Confidential Job Requisitions
Manage: Location
Location: View



Step 4 - Activate Pending Security Policy Changes