Workday Applications Source Tracking

Last Updated:

This is a new feature

Please consult your Integrations Consultant to determine if this can be enabled for you


On this page:

Feature Summary

The Beamery Integration has the ability to add a tracking source on your requisition job posting url that come into beamery. This source is typically added as "BeameryInvite"


An example:

  • The original job posting url in your ATS would be 
  • We can add a suffix onto it so it looks as follows in beamery: 

The "?source=BeameryInvite" at the end of the link allows workday to track and record the source of the application. 

By adding this suffix the contact will not be asked the "How Did you hear About Us?" question


What are the visual changes in application process using this link?

  • Application look without the source tracking: "How Did you hear About Us?" question is visible for the contact to select


  • Application look with the source tracking: source is automatically tracked and "How Did you hear About Us?" question is hidden


Instruction on how to create a new source

  • Login to the Workday tenant
  • Type "maintain Recruiting Source" into the search bar and open the task

  • If you're adding the source to a new source category then
    1. click on the + sign at the top left
    2. Name the Recruiting Source Category
    3. Click on the + sign next to it on the right
    4. Name the New Source

  • If you're adding the source to an existing source category then find that source category 
    1. find that source category (example is "Recruiter Sourced")
    2. Click on the + sign next to it on the right
    3. Name the New Source (example is "BeameryInvite")

  • Click on "OK"
  • a preview of the sources will appear


Instruction on how to enable this in workday

  • Login to the Workday tenant
  • Type "Edit External Career Site" into the search bar and open the task

  • Choose your external career site and hit OK

  • Navigate to the section "Apply - Intro"
  • Within the "Recruiting Sources for Auto-Tracking" box

  • Add all sources you would like to auto track (in this case please add the BeameryInvite source
  • Click on OK