Using Meeting Scheduler in Campaigns

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This is a new experience coming January 29, 2025.

Throughout the candidate journey, there are many opportunities to meet with candidates and develop a connection. Booking meetings in Beamery simplifies and speeds up the process of scheduling these meetings and leaves you with more time for nurturing those important candidate relationships.

Now, you can invite candidates to book meetings in your calendar, right from Beamery. You’ll share available time slots and then candidates will self-serve, choosing a slot that works for them, making the process easy and efficient.

Connected Calendar
Meeting Scheduler
Creating a new Meeting Scheduler Page
Editing and Previewing your Meeting Scheduler Page
Using a Meeting Scheduler Page link in your Campaign email

Connected Calendar

Connecting your calendar in Beamery allows you to use Meeting Scheduler in your campaign messages. This lets candidates easily schedule meetings with you at a time that works best for them.

Beamery will not share the details of your calendar or existing meetings with candidates.

To enable this feature, navigate to Settings in the top right-hand corner of Beamery.

Then choose Linked Calendars under Email Settings.

Click Add calendar account to begin adding a new calendar.

Next, choose the provider from the list of options and enter your calendar credentials to set up the linked calendar.

Meeting Scheduler

Once you have your calendar connected, you can begin using Meeting Scheduler by navigating to Campaigns from the left-hand navigation menu.
nav - campaigns.png

Once you have chosen the Campaign you're working on, click Edit to access the Campaign Builder page.

From the Campaign Editor page, click Meeting Scheduler from the options in the top right. 

Meeting Scheduler Diagram

If you already have an established Meeting Schedule, choose it from this list.

  1. Copy the link to your chosen Meeting Scheduler page to use in your email or campaign.
  2. Edit or delete a Meeting Schedule.
  3. If you need to, you can also Create a new Meeting Schedule

Creating a new Meeting Scheduler Page

To create a new Meeting Scheduler page, click New meeting schedule to begin.

  1. Give your Meeting scheduler a descriptive title so you can find it next time.
  2. Select the Host for the meeting by choosing the right connected calendar.
  3. Choose the length of time for this meeting.
  4. Select the day you would like the meeting schedule to become available as well as the date you and it to end, if appropriate.
  5. Choose the times and days of the week you're available for these meetings.
  6. Select your time zone.
  7. Decide if you would like to add a buffer between meetings.
  8. Select how you would like to meet - Google Meet, phone call, custom link etc.
  9. Include any meeting details you would like to share with the recipient.
  10. Click Create to finalize the new meeting schedule.

Using a Meeting Scheduler Page link in your Campaign email

Once you have a Meeting Scheduler page set up, click the 'Copy link' to copy the page URL onto your clipboard.

Next, choose where you would like to display the link. This can be done as a hyperlink in text or in a button. Add a button into your email and click to open the content editor for that button, then paste the URL from your clipboard into the URL for the button.


Candidates can now easily book meetings with you when it's the most convenient for you both - without all the back and forth. Meeting Scheduler links can also be used in direct emails and bulk messages too.