The Beamery Extension FAQ

Last Updated:

What data does the Extension input into Beamery?

The Beamery Extension is designed as a productivity extension to sit on top of any HR system and relevant talent websites to improve recruiter productivity and help protect compliance and talent experiences (e.g., by highlighting that a contact already exists in the system, whether the individual is ok to contact, and whether there are any other recruiters speaking with a candidate). When creating new records, the extension only fetches profile data that is publicly available and does no background scraping of private data. Furthermore, data added to Beamery via the extension will only remain stored in a client’s account if the candidate has provided the appropriate consent and the data collected adheres with the client’s compliance and data retention policies. For data sourced from our partners at Linkedin, we also adhere to Linkedin’s terms of use. For example, we do not store any profile data collected from LinkedIn Recruiter, only the public-facing LinkedIn profile data that is available and parsed from LinkedIn downloadable PDFs. 


How does the Beamery Extension work?

The Beamery Extension is a powerful sourcing tool that allows you to add new candidates to your CRM and make updates to existing candidate profiles directly from web pages and social media profiles. Incorporating the Beamery Extension into your candidate sourcing process allows you to quickly and easily add a candidate’s contact information, education, experience, resume, and more to Beamery as soon as you find it -  without ever leaving their social profile. Using the Beamery Extension automates the manual contact creation process and can save you a lot of time.  When using the Beamery Extension, you can add candidates to Pools, apply Global Tags, and add them to Campaigns right from the Extension. This means you can begin nurturing relationships with candidates as soon as you find their profiles.  The Beamery Extension automates only the kinds of actions recruiters and sourcers might otherwise make manually (i.e. no ‘background or invisible actions or data scraping). Copying (or scraping) data from public websites is a legal practice but at Beamery we are careful to do so in a way that also adheres to our partner terms of service, including those of our partners at LinkedIn. 


What websites does the Extension work on?

You can use the Extension on most social sites where you would find candidate information that you'd like to enter into your Beamery database. The notable difference is the level of automation available to you on those sites. Level of automation includes features of the Extension like Autopilot, pre-populating name, automatically attaching the PDF and logging messages. 

Website Level of Automation
LinkedIn All Automations
Workday Some Automation (pre-populating name)
StackOverflow Some Automation (pre-populating name)
Other websites No Automation


How do I download the Extension?

The Extension is publicly available via the Google Chrome store and the Microsoft Edge Add-ons Store and complies with Chrome/Edge store terms. You can download the Beamery Extension from the Google Chrome Store, here and from the Microsoft Edge Add-on Store here.

From Chrome

To install the Beamery Extension in Google Chrome, just click ‘Add to Chrome’ from the Extension page, and then click ‘Add Extension’ in the pop-up window that appears.


From Edge

To install the Beamery Extension from Microsoft Edge, just click ‘Get’ from the Extension page, and then click ‘Add Extension’ in the pop-up window that appears.


What happens if I use the Extension outside of a known social site?

The most important consequence of using the Extension on an unknown social site is the potential for creating duplicate contacts in your database. You will also run the risk of not being able to load existing contacts' profiles on those unknown sites.

To troubleshoot for this, you can manually include a social link for the same contact from one of the known social sites. This allows Beamery to use a social media link as the identifier and prevents duplicate data. You may also submit a feature request to enable support for the social site. 


Can I use the Extension in Indeed?

At this time, no. Beamery does not support using the Extension in Indeed. 


Does Beamery Limit the number of profile PDFs I’m able to download?

Beamery limits the number of extension-automated PDF downloads to 100 per day in order to align with Linkedin’s recommendations and user terms of service. 


Will LinkedIn flag my account if I use the Chrome Extension?

Given the safeguards  (e.g. to number of pdf downloads) in the Extension our testing doesn’t anticipate any flags from using the Extension. 


Does Beamery log all my InMail?

No. Beamery only logs recruiter’s sent InMail and only if the recruiter chooses to turn on logging. InMails received from contacts are not logged. We are in discussions with LinkedIn about a potential future InMail API that may make this possible, but there are no dates confirmed at this time. 


Does the new Extension have BeamAssist?

Yes and no. BeamAssist has been replaced and upgraded by the new “Sourcing Settings” section. This behaves the exact same way as BeamAssist did but is now integrated into the Extension, rather than being a setting that needs to be enabled. We’ve also added a new category of notes to this to support those Sourcers who have engaged with prospects in LinkedIn en masse already and want to import them into Beamery with the activities around engagement logged as InMails sent.