Embedding Your Preference Center in Campaigns

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Having high-quality and up-to-date candidate data is vitally important to give sourcers and recruiters a competitive advantage in their outreach. Beamery allows all customers to capture talent data first-hand, in Beamery, including candidate preferences, capabilities, and interests. And then Beamery allows that information to be confidentially shared with the employer. 

How to embed the Preference Center in Campaigns

  1. Ensure your organization has the Preference Center set up in Beamery.
  2. With the Preference Center set up, your organization will get a unique URL that  can now embed the link across an unlimited number of Campaigns

A Campaign to Update Candidate Profiles

Create a new dynamic campaign or update an existing campaign.  The Best Practice for driving candidates to the Preference Center and ensuring they access it, is to create a Campaign with multiple touch points.  For example, you can create a follow-up touchpoint that sends a second email only if the candidate doesn’t click on the initial campaign. Then you can set additional touchpoints at intervals of 15 or 30 days.

You can leverage an existing campaign template, or create an email from scratch.  When building the body of the email, choose a button (as shown below) or a link, to direct candidates to the preference center.

You can set this up as a one-off campaign to target a specific group of candidates that you want to re-engage with, or you can build it as part of an automated Campaign using Recipes. In the example below a recipe has been created to invite candidates to update their preferences if specific custom fields are empty and if the candidate hasn’t consented for 90 days.

Preference Center in a Signature Block

As seamless, scalable solution to increase candidate adoption, Beamery highly recommends is adding a link to your Preference Center to your signature blocks. This will give candidates a permanent place to go where they can access their preferences and update their candidate information.

It is recommended that you update any active automated nurture campaigns.

1:1 Messaging in Beamery

You can also use the Preference Center link as a CTA to invite candidates to update/confirm their preferences in any 1:1 message you send from Beamery. This can be an effective way to get candidates to update their candidate preferences and understand their intent.