Contact Migration Guide

Last Updated:

Data Migration Overview:

Beamery is able to import contact data from other systems via flat files as long as the data and file(s) meet specific criteria. Below are the details on what’s required in order for you to create/format the files properly and how to deliver them to Beamery for import. Use the Excel template V3 as a guide for creating your files as well as links to the data dictionary for each file type below. There are a total of 6 possible files to create.
Note: You don’t have to create every file noted below, only the files that have the data you want to migrate.

File Format & Data Dictionaries:

  • All files must be a comma delimited .csv format

  • All files must be in UTF-8 Encoding

  • Fields that accept multiple values must separate them with ;;;;; (5 semicolon’s)

  • There can be no ‘white space’ in fields with no data.

  • All column headers must be included and spelled exactly as they are in the supplied template, regardless of data being in the column or not.

  • .pgp encryption is supported if your files need to be encrypted. Please contact your Integrations Consultant who can provide our public key.

  • Name each .csv file exactly as shown in the list below. Click on each file name to see more details, including it’s data dictionary.
    - contacts
    - customFields
    - experience
    - education
    - notes
    - attachments


Instructions for Validation & Import:

  1. Once you’ve extracted/received the data from your other system(s), review the data to determine which file(s) you need to create (see list above).

  2. Normalize the data to get it in the proper format. Reference the Excel template V3 to see the required fields for each file.

  3. After the data is normalized, drop the file(s) in the environment specific folder on the SFTP server and notify Beamery the data is available on the SFTP server.

  4. Beamery will grab the files then run validation on each one. If there are any errors, a report will be generated and sent back to you to correct the data.
    Fix the data in question then resend the corrected full file to the SFTP server.

  5. Once all files pass validation completely the data will be imported into the respective environment. Data import times vary based on the data size, especially when attachments are included.