Experience File

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Field Name Type Required Description Example
ID String :check_mark: This is a unique identifier of the contact. If the historical experience is to be created for a contact, the contact must also exist in the contacts file and the referenced in the Contacts CSV must match. efa64c3a-bb5c-4995-86d1-aec3722e7c27
Role String :check_mark: This is the title the contact had for the given role. Data Scientist
OrganisationName String :check_mark: The name of the organisation where the contact was employed. Beamery


Date   This is the start date of when the contact started the given role. Note that format is YEAR-MONTH-DAY 2020-02-17


Date   This is the end date of when the contact completed the given role. Note that format is YEAR-MONTH-DAY 2022-08-17


Boolean   Is the contact currently employed at this organisation? True


String   A description of the given experience. Data scientist responsible for helping improve AI functionality for candidate matching.