Smart Profile - Tabs

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Profile tabs house all the data for the contact. They include Skills, a record of all custom fields, their work history and more. Use these tabs to learn more about the contact and get a clear understand of them as a candidate.

Table of Contents

Overview Tab
Custom Fields Tab
Resume Tab
Notes Tab
Inbox Tab

Overview Tab

In the Profile Overview tab, you will find all of the data fields relevant to the candidate. To navigate to the profile tab from any other tab, click Overview just underneath the profile header. 


Summary - use this section to hold details about the contact that are critical for all viewers to know.

Links - links to all social sites associated with this contact.


Declared - skills the contact has stated in a resume/CV, application, or in a convert flow. Any skills users manually add to a contact's profile will also be listed as declared skills.

Suggested - skills that are inferred by Beamery's AI based on the contact's primary job title.


A history of all the contact's job history. This section is typically parsed from a resume, synced with an application, imported from a LinkedIn profile, or can be entered manually. 


A history of all the contact's education history. This section is typically parsed from a resume, synced with an application, imported from a LinkedIn profile, or can be entered manually. 


Current - the contact's current location.

Preferred - the contact's preferred location(s).


Languages spoken by the candidate.

Custom Fields Tab

All custom fields your organization has created. This tab is organized in the same folder structure used in the custom fields page in settings, helping teams find what they need quickly. There are options to hide all empty fields, search for a field by name and collapse each folder to customize your view. Manually update custom fields from this tab of the profile with new candidate data. 

Resume Tab

Preview the candidate's resume file. 

Notes Tab

Add, review, edit or reply to public notes created by others or notes created by you on the candidate profile. Notes can be filtered by type, tags, creators, vacancies and/or pools.

Inbox Tab

View all communication with the candidate from the Inbox tab. Filter by emails or SMS messages. Click Reply to respond to a candidate's email directly within Beamery.