Contact Profile | Related Profiles Tab

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The related profiles tab is a part of Beamery’s Exec Search module and allows you to log and track the relationships between contacts in your CRM.  

To get to the Related Profiles tab on the Beamery Profile, click the words Related Profiles underneath the profile header. 

The diagram that follows will detail all of the elements of the Related Profiles Tab and how they are used.

a. + Button - Click the + button to add a new related profile for this contact. 

b. Search Related Profiles - Search for a related profile using some or all of the related contact’s name. This is especially useful if a contact has a long list of related profiles, or you’re looking to check that a related profile hasn’t already been logged before you add it.

c. Related Profile -  In each related profile entry, you can see the name of the person, the relation between the two contacts, the shared workplace if applicable, and the duration of the relationship.  Click Show to see any notes that have been added.