Smart Profile | Inbox

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Beamery makes it easy to find the messages you’re looking for. As part of the new Smart Profile, Beamery is retiring the old “Timeline” tab. The different types of information previously housed in the "Timeline" tab will now be separated into their own tabs, starting with the Notes tab and the brand new Inbox, where you can find a history log of all messages. 


This new, dedicated space will be a home for all messages exchanged users exchange with a contact, including - all external communication like campaigns, direct messages, and SMS. 

As of today, inMail messages are classified as a type of Note. Over the next 6 months Beamery will move inMail messages to the Inbox  as part of a new sync with LinkedIn. 

Where to find the information you're looking for that was once on the Timeline tab:

Type New Location
Direct Emails Inbox Tab
Campaigns Inbox Tab
SMS Inbox Tab
Notes Notes Tab
Logged Activities Notes Tab
Updates to the Contact  History Log
Task Creation History Log