Smart Profile | History Log

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History log Workspace

Beamery is introducing Workspace, our innovative shift to a side-panel navigation that compliments your workflow and interaction with the profile.

  • This isn't just about easier access, it's about enabling a level of multitasking and productivity that transforms how you interact with Beamery.
  • With workspace open, you don’t need to juggle between tabs. It allows for seamless multitasking if you require referencing multiple tabs simultaneously.


The former Timeline was often hard to scan and information difficult to find. The Timeline included a wide variety of information types. For a better user experience, Beamery is extracting different file types from the Timeline tab and grouping them in a way that makes it easier to locate what you are looking for.

As part of this effort, Beamery has created a dedicated space for all actions taken on a contact - the History Log. The history log contains only the updates to the contact and includes an intuitive filtering option. All communication is being moved out of the history log as well. You can now find all communications with a contact under new dedicated Inbox tab.

Where to find the information you're looking for that was once on the Timeline tab:

Type New Location
Direct Emails Inbox Tab
Campaigns Inbox Tab
SMS Inbox Tab
Notes Notes Tab
Logged Activities Notes Tab
Updates to the Contact  History Log
Task Creation History Log