Contact Profile | Custom Fields Tab

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Custom Fields in Beamery are configurable fields that are created by Super Admin users to reflect the specific workflows of a company. There are four types of custom fields: Free Text, Single-Select, Multi-Select and Date. Custom fields can be organized into folders, and the visibility of a custom field can be restricted by user permission type. 

For a guide to setting up custom fields, check out this article

To get to the Custom Fields tab on the Beamery Profile, click on the words Custom Fields underneath the profile header. 

The diagram that follows will detail all of the elements of the Custom Fields Tab and how they are used.

a. Search Custom Fields - Use this search box to find a specific custom field by typing in all or part of its name. Searching can save you time if your organization has a large number of custom fields, or if you’re not sure which folder a custom field is a part of. 

b. Expanded Custom Field Folder - After expanding a custom field folder, you will see this view. Click Hide to minimize the folder, view existing values for custom fields, or click n the drop-down to update the values for a custom field. 

c. Minimized Custom Field Folder  -This is how a custom field folder will be shown in its minimized state. Click Show to expand the folder and view the custom fields within it.